By Takura Zhangazha*
The Zimbabwean government unexpectedly announced that it is
going to place a statue of liberation icon Mbuya Nehanda in central
Harare. And that the work has already
started on the same. I was pleasantly
surprised at this move by the current government. Not only because it is important
that we recognize more publicly the significance of the role that the spirit
medium of Nehanda played in leading the First Chimurenga against
colonialism but also how we should never seek to willfully forget our own
national history. Even in the most
troubling of Covid 19 pandemic times and with the array of economic challenges
that the country faces.
The public reaction to the announcement has however been
muted. Most likely because statues are
probably not top of many Zimbabweans’ priority lists. In opposition circles this was even more apparent
with opposition leaders and activists referring to the memorial statue as being
the equivalent of ‘worshipping the dead’.
Obviously they are entitled to their opinion on the matter even if it said
in the moment and probably only to oppose Zanu Pf’s policies.
A few activists have also brought in the religious angle around
the statue. In doing so they appear to
be taunting the fervently religious to not understand the importance of Nehanda in
history and acknowledge the role of, in this particular case, Christian religious
institutions in not only Nehanda’s execution but also colonialism. All juxtaposed with their knowledge that the Christian faith generally denounces traditional African religious practices such
as the recognition of spirit mediums and ancestors as intercessors of life with
Mwari/Umlimu. As it relates to everyday
lives of Zimbabweans.
Some friends and cdes I interact with have indicated their fear
that such a statue may probably be an ‘easier’ option for the ruing establishment. Mainly because there are so many other female
leaders and heroes of Zimbabwean liberation struggles that continue to go unrecognized. Others still are fearful of what the late historian
Terrence Ranger called ‘patriotic history’ in which only the ruling Zanu Pf party’s version and interpretation of history dominates official state narratives
across the media, universities and the basic education curriculum.
What has not happened however is any outright protest at the
idea of a Nehanda statue in central Harare.
A development that is indicative of the general legitimacy of this act of
recognition. To the extent that the only
emerging issue would be the artistic creativity of the statue and where it is
It is however also important to fully grasp the
symbolism of this Nehanda statue. As it relates
to not only our struggles against settler colonialism via the first and second Chimurenga/Umvukela
but more importantly as to how the leadership example set by Nehanda applies in
contemporary Zimbabwean society.
And these leadership examples are, in my view, threefold. The first being the fact that in leadership,
as exemplified by Nehanda, we should strive to be organic and visionary. Or to put it much more simply, to anticipate
what is probably coming. While preparing
to mitigate or counter detrimental potential events with a firm belief in the
values of your people. And this is not
about prophecy or supernatural powers.
It is about being able to understand events as they occur in your
society and try as far as is organically possible to always struggle for social
and economic justice of the many, not the few.
Secondly, is the fact of how female leaders, who are hardly
given due recognition for their role in our national liberation struggles, have
historically been important in defining Zimbabwe. Nehanda’s statue would essentially re-affirm
that in a much more public way beyond either the name of a street or a hospital.
While many adult Zimbabweans may not need the reminder based on what they were
taught in high school history lessons, it would be imperative that subsequent young
generations get reminded of this history outside of the exam class. And that they also understand the equal roles
that men and women can play in revolutionary, progressive leadership to better
Zimbabwean society. All in order to emphasise not only a gender equality national
consciousness but also to keep progressive
history in vogue even when contemplating the contemporary as it influences
preferred futures.
Finally, the symbolism of Nehanda’s statue in central Harare,
is one that would recognize history not only for what it means to the national consciousness
but more importantly the necessity of never having to repeat it. To know the struggles Nehanda led and also
helped foster in the Second Chimurenga/Umvukela, is not to desire that Zimbabwe
relives these same said struggles. It is
in order to recognize the values, the pain and sacrifices made in order to
get Zimbabwe to its freedom. But not in order that we go back to those
struggles. Instead Nehanda’s legacy tells us to hold fast to the values of
liberation and move the people forward in fulfillment of the aspirations that
led her and others to fight colonial and all other repressions in
So while I will not be among the first to be photographed at
the Nehanda statue when completed, I understand its national importance and
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity
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