Ah the consciousness that is existence.
Trying to harness time.
And time doing the reverse. And knowing that still there are no ‘singular epiphanies’.
Just experiences found or lost.
Hoping that again, if it chooses, the sun shines tomorrow.
Even knowing that it may not.
With its own regularity night always comes.
But with stars.
Or sometimes with a bright African moon.
Showing that homebound footpath and its shadows.
But homebound all the same.
Past the mountain crevices, down into the valley of home.
The lit fire, joy of arrival.
Knowing tomorrow when the sun rises again there are so many new questions to be answered.
Seeking affirmation, hope.
Yesterday it was all about getting home.
Today it is departure.
With the assumption that home stays the same.
While waiting for you.
It changes.
You change.
Time laughs.
You tried its opposite.
*Takura writes here in his personal capacity (takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)
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