10 June By-Elections and My Five Reasons for Not Voting.

By Takura Zhangazha*
I am registered to vote in Harare’s Dzivaresekwa  parliamentary constituency.  It is one of the poorest residential areas in
Harare and like most urban constituencies in Zimbabwe has over a decade of
regularly voting for the mainstream opposition.
I have exercised my right to vote quite religiously since
the year 2000.  Every major election, notwithstanding
numerous difficulties, I have diligently  joined a queue and cast my vote. Whether the
vote would be for a referendum or parliamentary, council, presidential or as recent
as 2013, a harmonised election, I have performed this core national duty to
the best of my abilities and within democratic reason.
This year and unexpectedly so, I am called upon to again exercise
this democratic right in a by-election scheduled for 10 June 2015.  The previous MP, Solomon Madzore,  did not resign, become incapacitated nor has
he been convicted of a crime during his term of office .  
He was removed from the National Assembly
following the invoking of Section 129 (1k) of the constitution that allows his
original party to write to the Speaker advising that so and so is no longer a
party member and therefore cannot represent the party as MP.
I cannot vouch for his parliamentary tenure and its popularity
with his former constituents.  Nor am I
privy to the internal party shenanigans that led to his dismissal apart from
what has appeared in the newspapers.  What
I do know is that as a result of his former party expelling him, I am being asked
to cast my vote to help resolve an internal party problem.
This is probably the same for all voters who will be casting their
ballots on 10 June 2015 in their respective constituencies.  And for those that have already undergone or
will undergo by-elections for similar reasons.
With a heavy heart, and in my own personal capacity, I have
decided to exercise my right not to vote on 10 June 2015 for the five distinct reasons
outlined below:
  1. Firstly, voting is an issue I consider to be a serious act
    that, in turn, should also reciprocate serious explanations by the powers that be as
    to why it must occur  in-between
    general elections. In this case, the fact that individual members of a political
    party disagree is not a democratic enough reason.  That political parties have internal disputes
    is a given. To have these disputes then translate with such ease into whole
    elections is symptomatic of a lack of seriousness on their part and not
    mine.  I have no particular obligation to
    demonstrate a willingness to help solve what are essentially personality and
    not policy clashes in political parties. Had the sitting MP resigned or become incapacitated,
    I would have readily cast my vote for a new one.  In this case neither applies to the
    Dzivaresekwa constituency and others.
  2. Secondly, I then had to ask myself what my vote will possibly change apart from giving one candidate or the
    other ascension to the privileges that come with the office of being MP. Our current
    parliamentary system is a convoluted first past the post and proportional representation
    system in which one major party, Zanu Pf, currently has majority and centrist command of the
    legislative agenda. This with the fact that even if an opposition MP won this
    pending by-election, it would not affect the ruling party’s two thirds majority
    in Parliament. So this exercise becomes one in which I will only be participating
    in abstract and pretentious expressions of democracy with no expectations of
    any policy changes as a result of my vote. 
  3. In the third instance, I am thoroughly persuaded  that during these harsh economic times, our
    politicians should be seeking to address our socio-economic plight.  The fact that they have time to continuously (and unnecessarily) campaign as opposed to solving economic problems does not solve the challenges of the
    national economy let alone boost investor confidence and much needed foreign direct
    investment/assistance.  That  political party leaders are comfortable with perpetual
    electioneering can only be indicative of either their  incompetence, lack of a clear national
    development agenda or a combination of both. There are reasons why there are five year terms, and key among these is performance legitimacy as opposed to elections in perpetuity. 
  4. Fourthly, I know that in the long run these by elections may
    be part of a political game plan around Zanu Pf succession politics or
    consolidation of internal power in the mainstream MDC-T. All in supposed aid of
    total victory in the 2018 harmonised elections. It is however not a burden that
    must be passed on to the voter without democratic reasoning both internally within
    specific political parties or in broader external and national terms. Party
    leaders must not avoid key internal debates only to claim to be either ‘brands’
    or ‘infallible’ leaders in the eyes of the electorate.  The fact that they have all let their issues
    get out of hand to the extent of invoking by-elections is an indictment on
    their individual capacities as leaders of their respective parties.  It is also a further indictment of the crass
    opportunism of political parties that are not currently represented in
    Parliament and are seeking vaingloriously to rationalize the ineptitude of the leadership
    of their rivals. In this, they perpetuate the ‘big man’ syndrome and negative
    materialistic culture of our national political culture.
  5. Finally, I am of the view that the new constitution, in its
    elitist incrementalism is thoroughly devoid of a holistic and organic intention
    to democratise our society.  It can only
    be viewed, in the final analysis, as another power sharing document that will
    be subjected to continued abuse by those in power or even in parliamentary opposition.
    At some point, and hopefully soon, the people of Zimbabwe shall have a truly
    people driven, organic and democratic constitution. 

*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

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