Prepaid Water Meters: No longer Giving a Thirsty Traveler a Free Glass of Water.

Prepaid Water Meters: No longer Giving a Thirsty Traveller a
 Free Glass of Water.
By Takura Zhangazha*
The Harare City Council  (HCC) through its Water Department was
recently reported in a local weekly as intending to introduce prepaid water
meters by year end. This, soon after the much vaunted but under- analyzed and ongoing
installation of prepaid meters for electricity. This stated intention of the HCC
is most unfortunate and tantamount to the privatization of water,  a development which would most certainly have
the ancestors wondering what on earth our elected and appointed officials might be thinking.
While there can be no argument against trying to find
solutions to the challenge of citizens’ access to clean and running water, this
latest proposal by the capital’s city council may be more a matter of seeking
to address an illness via its symptoms. 
Introducing prepaid water meters will
not solve either the resource problems over and about either water treatment or
its direct access by Harare residents. Neither will it build a much needed new reservoir that is envisioned to supply greater Harare with water. Unless of course
the intention of council is to clandestinely increase the council rates and
water bills under the guise of what can only be misleadingly referred to as sustainable
water usage via prepaid meters.
Some amongst the social and political commentariat have
openly welcomed these newfound policy maneuvers of central and local government
on the basis of either ‘able to pay’ comfort zones or poorly thought out understanding
of market economics.
 And these debates began when the Zimbabwe Electricity
Supply Authority (ZESA) and its subsidiary commercialized units began
implementing the prepaid meter system. The issue then as it remains now was in tandem
with the ‘use what you can pay for’ dictum. And it all appeared logical except
that it has had the effect of making electricity available to only those that
can pay for it. And in paying for it, consumers must now not only be frugal
with the commodity but also deprive themselves of what now appears to be a
luxury of cooking meals via electric stoves.
The prepaid electricity policy of ZESA has neither reduced
power-cuts nor increased our electricity generation capacity.  It has instead being a case of literally passing
on the cost to the consumer without a proper assessment as to how and why electricity
distribution has remained so inefficient. 
For some consumers it may appear to be better to have the little
electricity that they can afford than having no electricity at all (if there
are no blackouts). This however does not make the policy any more democratic or
responsive to the glaring need of improving the livelihoods of majority poor
families.  And this is the elephant in
the room.
The convenience that the prepaid meters has given ZESA has
probably been akin to a sigh of relief for the parastatal where regardless of
its own inefficiencies, it passes on the cost to the consumer, and
remorselessly so.  For each transaction
or top up of the prepaid meter, there are the fixed charges of the rural
electrification levy together with a specific percentage of incurred debt that will
have been accrued by the consumer.  So
essentially there is no new democratic departure point in the prepaid meter system.
Its just merely a smarter way to give the impression that it is the consumer
that had always been a problem when the reality of the matter is that the challenges
of electricity production in Zimbabwe do not begin with the end user.
It is this sort of archaic model that the HCC wants to
impose on residents for water consumption, and by dint of the same probably export
the model to other municipalities.  Given
that access to clean running water is a basic human right and directly relates
to the right of all Zimbabweans to health, it is a development that does not
bode well for recently elected local authority leaders. Water, like electricity
needs calm approaches of balancing both cost and access. Prepaid meters are
neither calm nor cost effective for overall supply of either water and electricity (hence
the blackouts and dry taps).
To seek to inadvertently privatise water under the guise of
prepaid billing systems is patently undemocratic.  Water is already a lucrative commodity via mineral
water companies which sell it at commercial rates. For the HCC to want to adopt
such an approach demonstrates that they are seeking an easier but
symptomatic route out of the water crisis at the expense of the majority urban poor
in Harare. 
What the HCC intends to do is pass on the cost to the consumer
while at the same time failing to resolve the overall water crises the capital
city faces. And even then, the very problem of water supply does not have its
genesis in the consumer, but in central and local government authorities who
converted pre-2008 water bills from Zimbabwean to United States  dollars without evident  public consultation on conversion rates. 
Should the HCC go ahead with its plan either in pilot or full form, it will be a sad day for democracy in Zimbabwe. Of all the things to
privatise, water must be sacred. But for some, they perhaps fail to realize that
it is not money that makes us equal but common democoratic values and collective humanity.
And it all begins with giving each other a glass of water without thinking of
how much it will cost.
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity. If
you would like to use this article please attribute it to 

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Takura Zhangazha