Elections, Fuel Increases and the Grass That Suffers

By Takura Zhangazha*
The inclusive government, prior to the March 16 2013
constitutional referendum, decided to pass on the cost of holding elections to
Zimbabweans in a rather unorthodox manner. Through the Ministry of
Finance it increased the excise duty on fuel imports and as a direct effect
thereof, increased the costs of both public transport as well as goods/services.
The logic given was that these increase would raise revenue to fund
both the constitutional referendum as well as the pending harmonised elections. That decision was not only insensitive to the plight of the poor majority in the country  but sadly indicative of a lack of seriousness in policy implementation by the government. 
Democratic reasoning as well as budgeting would normally indicate that periodic
national elections (in our case every five years) are events that are budgeted
or fundraised for well in advance and with anticipation of the much vaunted ‘electoral cycle approach’.But because the inclusive government has been politicizing
the entirety of not only its existence but also the duration of its term of office, there
was never any thorough or focused planning on the inevitability of either the
referendum or elections. 
This particularly so where and when it came to the
annual budgets that have been presented since 2009. The point is not that the
budgets did not allocate money for a perceived election, which they generally did.
The key issues however remain two-fold. Firstly that these allocations were
inadequate and secondly that with each passing year, why were the allocations
never cumulative in relation to shortfalls for years that the elections were
budgeted for but never occurred?
This is a debate that would initially appear to be abstract
or more for the economists and political scientists if it did not have a
bearing on the livelihoods of ordinary citizens.  This is in one primary respect. The government’s
decision to increase the surcharges on fuel imports has almost immediately
caused the evident increase in at least public transport costs for the ordinary
It will most certainly, if it hasn’t already, cause further increase in
the costs of basic commodities and other services on an already financially
strained consumer. This would mean that while it would be assumedly noble that Zimbabweans
are funding their own political processes by default, it is highly insensitive
on the part of government to make the citizen pay for its mistakes and planning
shortcomings. Such a development is indicative of the no longer shocking
arrogance of our political leaders when it comes to matters that affect
Zimbabweans directly. It is an arrogance that borders on dismissing the challenges
the citizen faces regularly in favour of massaging the electoral egos of the
few in government.
Another angle to look at this development is assessing the
bigger picture of whether or not the processes Zimbabweans are now funding in
an unorthodox manner have had democratic meaning in their lives. Where one
looks at the constitutional referendum there is a distinct imprint of the same
sort of arrogance that informs an almost knee jerk instruction to increase fuel
import tax regardless of the views of the people. As a result, the process of
the constitutional referendum became more an imposition than a democratic one . And
the process still appears not to have ushered in any new and popular ‘democratic
era’ as the political parties still in the inclusive government would have us
believe especially with the continuation of a repressive political environment
and a government that functions with limited little oversight. So if one does a
cost-benefit analysis, Zimbabweans have been short changed while their economic
circumstances have taken a turn for the worse. 
And this by their own government.
It would also be important to take into account the new
contestations about harmonized elections between the MDCs and Zanu Pf. Again,
the potential of the persons carrying the dual burden of economic hardship and
a polarized political environment being short changed is high. The message from
government to the people of Zimbabwe is literally ‘fund our fight even if it
will not have any direct economic benefit or new democratic meaning to you’. In any
event, the government is firmly persuaded it can do what it wants without
further or adequate public explanation necessary as it did with the
constitutional referendum.
In the final analysis, the people of Zimbabwe have been
asked to carry yet another undemocratic burden on behalf of the three parties in the
inclusive government. With each party probably assuming it will win the
election, it is a burden that will be politicized and have limited further
meaning to democratic processes in the country. This while the government is attempting a pretense
at democratic honesty via the undemocratic means of trying to cover up for its
shoddy electoral planning processes and budgeting. 
By passing on the buck to
the ordinary Zimbabwean in such an abrupt fashion, the inclusive government has
shown its true character of elitism and smugness at never being challenged or
brought to account on democratic value and principle. For this, Zimbabweans
will have to suffer the circumstances described in the proverb, ‘When elephants
fight, it is the grass that suffers’. In our case, the grass may no longer
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity. His
Essay on Notes on 33 years of Independence will be online on Wednesday 17 April
2013 (takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)

2 responses to “Elections, Fuel Increases and the Grass That Suffers”

  1.  Avatar

    the tax burden remains on the common man who is made to bear the responsibility of funding elections whose outcome dont express their will.even if the election does express their will,the ones mandated to champion their concerns in government abandon their responsibility.in the end it ends up being a case of being used by politicians

  2.  Avatar

    Takura this is a very honest analysis. Thanks for taking your time to write and express these opinions. When tyranny of the minority rules, the majority will appear to have burnt buttocks, but worse still after this election, when tyranny of the majority rules, certainly ignorance will prevail.

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Takura Zhangazha