In Praise and Defence of the 179 489 ‘No’ voters.

In praise and Defence
of the 179 489 ‘No’ voters.
By Takura Zhangazha*
The announcement by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC)
that 179 489 Zimbabweans voted ‘no’ to the draft constitution as opposed to the
slightly over 3 million that endorsed it will give slight relief to the political
parties in the inclusive government and the civil society organisations that
were complicit in what can only be defined as one of the greatest political
deceptions of Zimbabwean history.  In
accepting this result there are those who will mistakenly equate the vote count
as the equivalent of a dress rehearsal for the harmonized elections scheduled for
later on in the year. And this has already been hinted at in some press reports
where the rural turnout is being equated with what has been referred to as a
potential ‘landslide’ Zanu Pf victory. 
Others, particularly the MDC parties in the inclusive government will
try and claim the vote as their own, together with their malleable civil society partners. They will laud the ‘yes’ victory as vindication when in fact the
majority of their voters did not even know what they were voting for.  In short it is a Pyrrhic victory for them no
matter how they try and spin it.
The real issue at hand is the necessity of praising the 179 489
voters that chose to vote ‘no’ to this draft constitution. This they did against
the run of the mill politicization of the process and the messianic tendencies
of some of the political leaders who chose to think on behalf of all Zimbabweans without adequate consultation and yet
still ridiculously claim to have done the right thing.  It is the 179 489 that stood
firm against the elitist promises of power and resisted being herded like cattle
into unprincipled terrains where the grass will not be greener for future
generations of Zimbabweans. The ‘no voters’ have stood by basic democratic value and
principle and for this,  history will
absolve them.
This is not only because they faced the behemoth of three
political parties seeking to cajole them into supporting something they neither democratically
participated in nor knew. They also faced massive propaganda on the part of a
parliamentary committee (COPAC) which produced t-shirts, billboards, radio
programmes, newspaper adverts all in aide of getting an inorganic yes vote to
its draft. Furthermore, those that they may have trusted in the form of civil
society organizations departed from democratic principle and premise and sought
instead either direct attachment to the political parties or demonstrated an
ambivalence inimical to democratic value and principle. The ‘no’ voters decided
to depart from such narrow and politicized narratives to lay a claim to the
country’s future, not just for themselves, but for generations to come. And for
this they must be praised and defended. 
Where those aligned to the political parties sought to
denigrate the naysayers, they used the flimsy question of what next as though
our country’s history functions at their benevolence. It is apparent that for
most of the dissenters to this draft constitution what is next is the continuation
of the campaign for a democratic, holistic and genuinely people driven constitution
making politics. This, without the power seeking politics of the inclusive government.
Because some of the campaigners for the yes vote mistakenly thought it was a
vote for their parties, it is imperative that the following  point be made clear;  the constitution transcends political parties
and is intended primarily to recognise a country’s holistic history, its
contemporary realities but above all, to pave the democratic path for majority generations
to come and not for the few. 
The way forward for the 179 489 therefore begins with
bringing any sitting government of the day to account on the basis of democratic
value and principle, and never losing sight of the still outstanding issue of
establishing a democratic and people driven constitution. It also includes an
understanding that our country does not belong to the 3 million that were in the
majority in this vote, but that it also belongs not only to the 179489 but also
the remaining eligible voting population of a further 3 million and the pending
voters of at least 5 million other and younger Zimbabweans. 
In understanding the way forward, it is of fundamental importance
that the 179489 do not lose hope and adherence to democratic principle and values
no matter the endgame politics of the inclusive government. There will be talk in
political party circles about what to do with the official 5% garnered ‘no’ vote.
There will be temptations at coalitions between those who voted yes with other
political parties only to be fighting each other at the next harmonised
elections. Such temptations must be kept at abeyance because the ‘no’ vote count
was not about trying to get a foot into the door. It was about democratic value
and principle. And this, with the fact that there are people countrywide who recognize
this, is indicative of the need for a much more organic and democratic approach
to our politics and activism.  This
without the overbearing tendencies of those that may seek to demonstrate
solidarity from beyond Africa’s shores nor without getting mired
in the politics of the party that broader civil society founded, the MDC(s).
Finally, in praising the 179 489, it is key that we
understand that the no vote carries with it enormous historical leadership responsibilities.
It is a pledge to the country that in voting ‘no’ we accepted the responsibility
of our action and we will continue on the democratic path to ensuring a
democratic Zimbabwe where all are equal before the law, have equal
opportunities to better their lives regardless of race, gender, colour or
creed. And that in the course of the next three months, the 179 489 no voters
must increasingly prepare to demonstrate this same said responsibility to lead.
* Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

One response to “In Praise and Defence of the 179 489 ‘No’ voters.”

  1.  Avatar

    I think it is better the coming elections just be called elections instead of them being labelled “harmonised” elections. We can place that tag after they have been done and dusted with not before

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Takura Zhangazha