A Zimbabwean Salute to President Hugo Chavez

By Takura Zhangazha*
South America would not have been part of southern African liberation
historiography had it not been for the Cuban revolution under Fidel Castro and
its deliberate acts of solidarity toward and with  liberation movements across the African
continent. In the aftermath of the Cold War, this solidarity has generally been
wished away by those that would like to selectively rewrite our understanding
of our own struggle history as Africans as well as do away with any affinity we
may have had to socialist ideas and visions of our society.  That was until Hugo Chavez and his Bolivarian
revolution arrived not only in Venezuela but also onto the global stage.
Given the fact that most of us in Zimbabwe and in Africa
were enamored to Western hegemony via an expanding global media, we did not
quite understand what Chavez was all about. We saw him on global media networks
with Fidel Castro or alternatively raving and ranting against what he referred to
as American imperialism. And still we did not comprehend what Chavez was about.
We initially viewed him from the narrow prism of the West which had somehow
persuaded us that we had reached some sort of ‘end of history’ and therefore
there was no alternative to free market capitalist ideology. That was until thecoup in Venezuela in 2002 where Chavez was ousted only to be brought back to
power via popular support and demonstrations on the streets of not only Caracas
but other cities and towns of the country. That’s when I personally started
taking an interest in the Bolivarian revolution in Venezuela. The question was,
how is this leader who has been ousted via a coup, as was generally typical of
Latin America, back in power and popularly so?
It turns out Chavez had irked the oil industry barons in his
country through his nationalization programmes as well as his intentions to
ensure social service delivery to the poor majority of Venezuela. He had also
stood up to the United States’ hegemony in South America and was therefore a
departure from pliant leaders to whom the north had become accustomed to.  He also had the wrong ‘friends’ globally and
was challenging for the reform of the United Nations Security Council as well
as speaking against the Iraq invasion of 2003. His friendship and solidarity with
not only Cuba but also the Global South was evidently irritating to the West
and he was therefore generally derided in the mainstream international media
for having dictatorial tendencies. Regardless he still went on to win four elections
that were regarded by international and local observers as free and fair and
his country continues to be regarded as a functional constitutional democracy,
even by its most acerbic detractors. 
In mourning Chavez from Zimbabwe and from Africa it is key
that we remember him for his principled global leadership example and his
people centered policies and politics. Whether one views these same said
policies as socialist or social democratic, Chavez demonstrated organic leadership
of his society and peoples. It was a leadership that had a direct link to the
concerns for the poor majority and understood that the state, whatever else it
does, is there to protect its citizens. He did not change the fundamental  democratic tenets of Venezuelan society but he
did not take kindly to what he perceived as foreign influence on it,
particularly after the failed coup in 2002.  His domestic record however remains the
prerogative of Venezuelans to judge but from an African perspective, it showed
that a different style and approach to political leadership is possible. Chavez
showed Africa and our leaders that a leadership that is less enamored to the Washington
Consensus as well as grounded in the realities of the people and that utilizes national
resources for the common good is possible.
Chavez also carried on the tradition of solidarity with the
global south in tandem with the example set by his close friend and mentor
Fidel Castro. In a letter sent from him to the Africa-South America Summit held
in February 2013, Chavez insisted that ‘we must unite’ for sustainable development
and for the benefit of all our peoples. Key to this statement is the fact that
Chavez abhorred ‘mimic’ leadership that sought more to appease the West than to deliver to the people and poor majority. And this has been a key challenge of
African leadership, which portends an inability to understand that leadership is not about replicating
the policies and dictat of the West but
more about organic linkages with the people and trying out methods that benefit
the majority and not the few.  
Indeed there will be numerous obituaries written about
Chavez and his leadership style but from my own perspective, he represented
hope for the poor and the eternally oppressed Global South. He stood up where
others chose to meekly sit down and he represented those that never thought
they stood a chance at recognition or a better life.  Hugo Chavez was and is a contemporary revolutionary
and we are better off for having known his leadership, no matter the controversies. 
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in personal capacity(takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)

3 responses to “A Zimbabwean Salute to President Hugo Chavez”

  1.  Avatar

    ok very interesting

  2.  Avatar

    Do our non-intellectual people understand all this?

  3.  Avatar

    I mean we are caught between a tired and visionless ZANU PF and an intellectually-handicapped MDC. Proverbial deep blue sea and hard rock. It's sad but MDC would actually be worse that ZANU in terms of selling out.

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Takura Zhangazha