The Marange Diamonds US$2 billion: The people vs potential oligarchs.

Marange Diamonds US$2 billion: The people vs potential oligarchs.
Takura Zhangazha.
of 08 November 2011, reported that civil servants are to
be paid bonuses from the proceeds of the sale of Marange Diamonds. Quoting Prime
Minister Tsvangirai, the same story indicated that the government intends to
raise US$300 million by end of November 2011 in order to pay the civil service salary
bill plus bonuses. This announcement comes hard on the heels of an announcement
by the Minister of Mines and Mining Development, Mr. Obert Mpofu that the 
government expects a gross amount of US$ 2 billion yearly from the sales of the
diamonds that was given the green light by the Kimberly
 Process Certification Scheme (KP) at a review
meeting in the Democratic Republic of the Congo in the last two weeks.
 In his announcements, Minister Mpofu had not
however indicated what the proceeds from the selling of the diamonds would be utilized
for by the government.

Prime Minister
Tsvangirai has however given the first hint at what the diamond wealth will be
used for, well at least US$ 300 million of it.
We are however not yet clear as to what the other potential US$1, 7
billion will be used for.
A number of my economist
friends have already pointed out to me that the Zimbabwean public must be
cautious about the figures that the government, through the Ministry of Mines,
has issued.

 This is because the US$ 2 billion is not necessarily what the
government will get into its coffers. This is because the projected value of the
sales of the diamonds does not translate into what the government will make
because it is not the government that is selling them, but companies that have
been granted extraction rights in Marange. Government may get a windfall but
that windfall is probably not US$2 billion. And therein lies the first problem
with what the Prime Minister and the Minister of Mines have announced. 

There is
no clarity as to how much exactly is government expecting out of the Marange
precious stones. But already we have pronouncements about a holistic estimated
amount as well as a specific amount to pay civil servants’ bonuses. Given the
fact that there is no love lost between the Prime Minister and the Minister of
Mines over the contentious issue of the Marange diamond fields, I am sure there
will be a another policy pronouncement as to what the money might be used for,
and perhaps this time from a Zanu Pf minister. And therein lies a second problem
which is that of the politicization of the potential diamond revenue. The MDC
and Zanu Pf are going to scramble to claim the credit as to how the money was
eventually used for the purposes of their own individual party political interests.
This is despite the fact there is limited clarity, as confessed in the last
budget by the Minister of Finance,  about
how much the fiscus  has been getting or  will actually get.

Having initially been
confronted  with the dilemma of accepting
the fact that after all the noise that has been made about the Marange diamonds
being ‘blood diamonds’ they are now being sold on the world markets, we are now
faced with a new challenge. This being that of watching the inclusive
government haggle over who gets what, when, how and why from the potential but
unverified proceeds. This is primarily because the inclusive government does
not want to establish common ground on some fundamentals of its collective
responsibility to the people of Zimbabwe in times of our continuing economic

 An easy question however would be what would
be this common ground I am referring to. The answer is that it is the ensuring
of administering a functional and social democratic society. This would further
mean that in the aftermath of the clearance by the KP, the inclusive government
must literally sit down to agree on the holistic usages that the revenue to be accrued
should be utilized for before making individuated statements to the same
Marange diamond fields are roughly 90km south west of Mutare in the eastern border province of Manicaland.These considerations by the
inclusive government should be premised on the firm understanding that the
Zimbabwean state is seriously challenged in relation to the social welfare
needs of its people. Any revenue that is derived from our minerals and at
potentially phenomenal profit levels should have the following key social
welfare targets:  the re-introduction of
free access to public health; modernization of our hospitals;  reinvestment in free public education;  the completion of our pending dual highways
together with the refurbishment and re-introduction of an efficient public
transport railway system;  the full and
comprehensive compensation of those displaced from Marange; a social grant system
for the physically challenged, the youth, women; a specific improvement of our
water retention systems (urban and rural) and the completion of the Zambezi
Water Project for Matebeleland.

These are straightforward
issues that establish the necessary ‘performance legitimacy’ mandate that the
inclusive government in its transitional nature, is burdened with, regardless
of the various political contestations that characterize it. Where there have
been disputes over how the diamonds have been mined and the allegations of
human rights abuses in the same processes, it is now an issue that must be
handed over to our newly established Human Rights Commission and investigated objectively
and fairly. But in order that we do not fall into the trap of creating ‘diamond
oligarchs’ in Zimbabwe, we must from the onset be very clear as to what we
intend to use the diamond revenue for, and whatever we decide, it must be in
the best public and social welfarist interest.

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6 responses to “The Marange Diamonds US$2 billion: The people vs potential oligarchs.”

  1.  Avatar

    The mechanisim for gvt expenditure in any given year and from any revenue source is the National Budget. Greedy politicians in the GNU, that is, greediness for votes as well as wealth, must not allow personal ambitions to ignore this.The Finance Minister will have to lay out gvt projected gvt revenue for 2012, which will now “obviously include” the Mpofu $2 billion. This will once again be swallowed by Defence, Education and Public Service – in that order.It is a pity that the budget does not include a cash flow component (timing of actual cash from revenue flows). My fear is that the Mpofu $2 billion will go towards gvt creditors, including debt servicing, arrear salary increments and luxury vehicles proucured under lease agreements.

  2.  Avatar

    Thank you Nhaka for the comment and I couldnt agree more.

  3.  Avatar

    I have no quarrels with the ends to which you suggest that money be used. However, I wish to add that there should of necessity be a capitalisation component for small to medium enterprises to achieve or regain business viability and grow a shrunken economy and create much needed jobs. If we only spend that cash without investing any of it towards empowering potential wealth creators then the diamonds cake will remain too small to go round and cover every need. Some of the projects you cite are in themselves worth several billions of dollars and it will take many years and all of that annual revenue to get them going, hence the need to invest in wealth creation. Secondly, I wanted to ask your opinion on Eddie CRoss's proposal to nationalise the diamond mines, thereby ensuring at least 70% of annual revenue accrues to government, which would be infinitely much higher than what would come to it of that $2bn under the present arrangements. What is your view on nationalisation of diamonds?

  4.  Avatar

    Spot on Chofamba, spot on. I included the expensive tasks primarily to get comrades to start talking about it and to complete the projects that were started well before the diamond revenue was known about (remeber the dualisation of the harare blues raod whihc still has not passed the Manyame river bridge?). The plan should be long term, and can also be phased but it must at least begin to be talked about and implemented. I definitely agree on the small to medium enterprises but it must be reviewed in relation to the amounts of money that have been given to the same under the ministry of small to medium scale enterprises. I have not fully read Eddie Cross' document but from what i have read, he is proposing this within the political contestation context between the MDC's and Zanu and does not fully explain what the revenue would be used for. It appears he is proposing that as a stop gap measure to theft, the government first nationalises and then offers an international tender for the extraction. This does not necessary entail he is in agreement with a social democratic context to the revenue received.

  5.  Avatar

    Fidelis, currently the Marange fields are controlled by ZANU PF, not the Zimbabwean government. Zimbabwean Law makers are banned from visiting and assessing the operation. To make maters worse, the top brass of the ZANU PF national army are also involved in this grand theft operation. From my perspective, I do not foresee the Zimbabwean government being able to create any policy concerning Marange diamonds. We are at the mercy of ZANU PF and that is a fact.

  6.  Avatar

    Fair point Guze, but there is the need to ensure that this diamond revenue issue must be put to public debate. And it is important that you have raised the concerns that you have,and it indicates that we have to insist on having a policy framework debate.With the government, parliament and civil society.