African Cities and Journalism: The Past in Heated Conversation with the Future

By Takura Zhangazha*
The theme of this year’s Highway Africa Conference at Rhodes
University in South Africa is ‘Journalism and the City’.  It is a theme that conference organizers have
explained is intended to help expand the debate around the media’s  ‘urban’ narratives and representation of the poor ahead of the Africities Summit to be held
later on in the year.
The particular importance of this debate resides in what we,
as Africans, not only imagine but want our cities to be. Both by way of how the/our
media reports on us the inhabitants and  how
historical and contemporary global perceptions of them have set standards that
we struggle to contextualize. 
What has been clear, through some of the debates I have
listened to or participated in during this particular conference has been the
understanding that contemporary African cities are a direct legacy of
colonialism. Both by the way they are historically imagined as well as how they
are geographically designed.
This means that the African city was initially designed to
best suit minority racial elites and to control and exclude black majorities.  It is an historical reality that most
African cities have found it hard to shake off in reality and in the imagined.
And the best evidence of this has been how many years after independence, housing
projects  for  low income families are still designed
largely in ‘township style’ colonial format.
Or how in some cities, such as Harare, there is still the
attitude of excluding the poor from housing through massive colonial style
operations such as the infamous Operation Murambatsvina.
The media is however not immune from both this history  and continuing contestations about meaning
and placement in African cities by Africans. A South African academic, Steven Friedman  speaking at this Highway Africa
conference was quick to accuse the media of representing what he called the
‘suburbs’ against the township.
To put it in another way, the media may seek more to
represent more the perception of where its bread is buttered, and that
generally is the view of the media proprietor. And historically some media
owners have tended to prefer ‘city order’ as viewed by former colonial
authorities.  This has led to what can
best be referred to as ‘city gate keeping’ reporting on issues.  Council by laws and actions are presented as
paragons of order where and when in fact they can be sites of exclusion and
discrimination. Hence reportage on slums, squatters and migrants tends to
mirror the ‘ordered’ intentions of the suburban or urban political elite.
There therefore remains a challenge in perspective and
narrating the city beyond colonial style exclusion or the image of the Western
metropolis.  Not that the mayors of South
African cities that attended this particular conference did not demonstrate their
great efforts at democratizing their cities. 
However in the age of the disruptive tendency of the internet,
there is evident need to retain greater democratic context to the African
city.  This would include understanding that
the global business and geographical 
understanding of an eventual arrival at  ‘city states’ across the world to which the
internet will  be instrumental.
So there is need for African cities and African media to
begin to navigate much more democratic frameworks of local government that
transcend legacies of colonialism.  Beyond
electoral cycles and technical administration of provision of services, we need
to re-imagine the African city in its democratic uniqueness and with a post
colonial inclusiveness  that treats the city not as a site of privilege but one of endeavour. 

Such a departure point would however require a greater
embrace and understanding that on our African continent, the city cannot be imagined,
discussed, developed or democratized without imagining, discussing, developing and democratising the rural.  Where we fail to
do so, we retain undemocratic colonial legacies to the African city. In the process our slums,
squatters, ‘townships’ will still have the air of tragic permanence and be
evidence of the legacies of colonialism. 
*Takura Zhangazha is a delegate to the Highway Africa 2015 Conference.  He writes here in his personal capacity ( 

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