Author: Takura Zhangazha

  • Re-Explaining Zimbabwe’s Incrementalist/ Conservative Politics

    Re-Explaining Zimbabwe’s Incrementalist/ Conservative Politics

    What has brought contemporary  Zimbabwean politics to where it is today?  The easy answer is the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mediated Global Political Agreement (GPA) in 2008.  While we can talk about the legacy of Zanu Pf’s rule, the liberation struggle there is always a time when the past meets the present.  The past is never enough…

    Click or not: Re-Explaining Zimbabwe’s Incrementalist/ Conservative Politics
  • SADC is Organically Historical. It is Not Going to Go Away

    SADC is Organically Historical. It is Not Going to Go Away

    There are many conversations I have had with many comrades about the importance of what we now know to be the Southern African Development Community (SADC).  And most times these conversations have bordered on the dismissively ahistorical.  Wherein colleagues view SADC as this anti-democratic organisation in the region that is preventing new/ nascent opposition political parties…

    Click or not: SADC is Organically Historical. It is Not Going to Go Away