Author: Takura Zhangazha

  • Discussing Ideology and Mimicry in Zimbabwe (Again)

    By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwean political conversations over the last twenty years have generally become predictable (black or white, either-or)  They are conversations that we have chosen and in a greater majority of cases, given.  They are also somewhat highly emotive about what should either be a political or economic way forward. In the emotional output…

    Click or not: Discussing Ideology and Mimicry in Zimbabwe (Again)
  • The Political Economy of Zimbabwe's 2024 Drought

    So it is now official. Zimbabwe is faced with a national state of disaster because, like a significant number of countries in Southern Africa we will have an El Nino induced drought.  The current President ED Mnangagwa made an executive announcement this week to the same effect.  Essentially outlining that this is no small matter…

    Click or not: The Political Economy of Zimbabwe's 2024 Drought
  • An African Understanding of the Global Dangers of a World War 3.

     By Takura Zhangazha* In primary school we had an amazing headmistress, Ms. Thomas. This was when we were approaching our final year in that phase of our education.  She had decided for reasons of her own that we needed an impromptu lecture on the import of the Iraq-Kuwait war in 1990.  We were in grade…

    Click or not: An African Understanding of the Global Dangers of a World War 3.
  • In Solidarity with the People of #Palestine from #Zimbabwe.

    By Takura Zhangazha* There are many internal and internationalized conflicts currently going on in the world.  They are “internationalized” mainly because there are global powers interests in them.  The latter can be for historical, economic or holistic geo-political reasons. In the last twenty years global conflicts have allegedly been linked to mineral wealth (oil, lithium,…

    Click or not: In Solidarity with the People of #Palestine from #Zimbabwe.