Bikita Diamonds:The Urgency of a Social Democratic Mining Model.

By Takura Zhangazha*
The Zimbabwean Deputy Mines and Mining  Development
Minister, Mr. Gift Chaminikire in statements attributed to him in the media recently confirmed
that there has been diamond exploration and possible mining in Chief Budzi’s
area in rural Bikita. This is something that had been reported in early 2012 in
the provincial weekly newspaper, the Masvingo Mirror. It has taken more than a
year for a senior government  official to fully publicly acknowledge this but at least we now
know that there are companies that have begun diamond exploration and possibly
mining in the area adjacent to the Devure river and close to the Save
 There is also further acknowledgement
that the companies that are said to be operating in this area may not have been
licensed by government to do so, an issue that leaves a lot of questions unanswered.
Particularly where one reads in the press that there has most definitely been
some sort of mining taking place through a Chinese company Nan Jiang
Africa Resources Limited. It is also a matter that requires both central and
local government explanation not only to the residents of that particular part
of Bikita but also to all Zimbabweans.
Given the precedence of the unfortunate chaos and violence that
informed the initial diamond mining in Marange (Manicaland), it is important that we ensure
that Bikita is not a repeat of the same, even if the diamonds in question are reportedly
kimberlitic and not alluvial ones.  I emphasize
this primarily because all indications are that  had the diamond discovery been of alluvial ones, the lackadaisical and secretive government disposition toward
this matter would have led to a serious disaster in Bikita. Further still, the
fact that this diamond find has not been as chaotic as Marange for now does not
make it any less important in relation to how government and the mining companies
are going to relate with the entire community that lives in Bikita
This point is of fundamental importance because either way, now that diamonds have been ‘discovered’ in Bikita, they will inevitably be
mined by one company or the other. It therefore becomes a matter of what sort
of framework will be used to allow the mine to operate in a sustainable and
social democratic fashion in the district. In essence what is required is a social
democratic model over and about the diamond find as well as any mining company
that government  grants an operating licence
to. This model would entail a number of key points and considerations.
Firstly that the government through the Ministry of Mines
must re-tender the mining licence publicly and transparently in the interests
of accountability. The fact that there is a mining company operating in what
are for now reportedly unclear circumstances in the area means that something was
not done transparently and as a result thereof, the whole mining license issue
must be revisited.
Secondly both central and local government must explain to
the residents of Bikita district the full implications of this diamond
discovery with the full intentions of democratically integrating them into any
mining plans that will be considered from  the companies that will apply for
mining licences. This would be in relation to the prioritization of employment
for the residents of Bikita, the linking of the mineral license with specific development
of the area such as rural electrification, expansion of public transport,
expansion of health services and education, access to clean and safe water, safety and security as
well as the provision for a safe and sustainable  natural environment management plan. In this,
where there is need for the state to invoke its ownership of the communal land,
it must not do so in a manner akin to the Chiadzwa tragedy where hundreds of
families were forcibly relocated to a state farm hundreds of kilometers away. 
Any relocation plan must be democratically arrived at with the specific option
of first ensuring that the residents of that part of Bikita district are
allowed to stay and work for the mine with specific residential stands
allocated to them within the vicinity of the mine and as far as is practically
possible. Simultaneously there must be protection of the heritage and history
of Bikita through not only ensuring environmentally friendly mining of the kimberlite
diamonds but also keeping sites such as the Chibvumani ruins out of the scope
of any mining activities and exploration.
If these issues are taken into account and if in effect any diamond
mining activities in Bikita are undertaken within a social democratic context,
a progressive model for application nationally will come into being. While it is inevitable that a mineral
resource such as diamonds remains one that will cause radical changes to the
area in which they have been discovered, these same said changes need not be elitist or undemocratic
in form and intent. The Bikita diamond discovery presents an opportunity for
the government of Zimbabwe, to do the right thing by the residents of Bikita
and the entirety of the Zimbabwean citizenry. It must undertake a social democratic
and people centered approach. 
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity (

One response to “Bikita Diamonds:The Urgency of a Social Democratic Mining Model.”

  1.  Avatar

    Please go back to Europe with the nonsensical 'social democratic model', Takura Zhangazha!If one has nothing to contribute to the ONGOING Chimurenga, then one has no meaningful input to make as to how resources are allocated and utilized.And every time Zim Patriots should hear of any phrase with the evil european divisive 'democratic' in it, said Zim Patriots should vomit on the mental slave parroting this foreign mental poison!The Principle is simple: Want to have a say as to how Africans repatriated resources are owned, controlled & redistributed?THEN JOIN THE ONGOING CHIMURENGA against the relentless and racist enemies who are hell bent on preventing ANY African from owning and controlling African Ancestral Properties!There are no African Properties to redistribute unless and until Africans FIRST INVEST IN SUCCESSFUL CHIMURENGA!

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Takura Zhangazha