Category: History
Africa and the Potential of a World War 3
Click or not: Africa and the Potential of a World War 3A young Zimbabwean cde asked me about the meaning of ‘global war’. His question was coming from a context of the general narrative of a globalilsed world war between Russia, Ukraine and the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO). And of course the celebrity narrative or even movie like narrative that comes with pitting Biden, Putin and now… …
Re-Explaining Zimbabwe’s Incrementalist/ Conservative Politics
Click or not: Re-Explaining Zimbabwe’s Incrementalist/ Conservative PoliticsWhat has brought contemporary Zimbabwean politics to where it is today? The easy answer is the Southern African Development Community (SADC) mediated Global Political Agreement (GPA) in 2008. While we can talk about the legacy of Zanu Pf’s rule, the liberation struggle there is always a time when the past meets the present. The past is never enough… …
Zimbabwe and Mozambique- An Irreversible Historical Reality
Click or not: Zimbabwe and Mozambique- An Irreversible Historical RealitySo I once boarded a plane as an election observer to Mauritius in 2005 or thereabouts. I was part of a delegation of the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Forum. On the flight I met up with a member of the Mozambique parliament. In my naivety I thought he was from the Frelimo ruling party. At that… …
Conversations With Zimbabwe’s National Liberation War Veterans. In Passing
Click or not: Conversations With Zimbabwe’s National Liberation War Veterans. In PassingBy Takura Zhangazha* I have had an awkward relationship with War Veterans of Zimbabwe’s liberation struggle. Sometimes in conversations with them, I feel the pain of what they experienced. From Chimoio, Nyadzonia, through to Mavonde. I always ask myself if I would have had the courage to take to arms for my country. I also… …