Category: Uncategorized

  • Jonathan Moyo’s Dangerous Liasons with the Media

    By Takura Zhangazha* The Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services, Professor Jonathan Moyo is evidently in a good place with the media.  Apart from having it under his ministerial purview, he also has the luxury of having it at his beck and call.  Only this week he summoned editors and other media stakeholders to…

    Click or not: Jonathan Moyo’s Dangerous Liasons with the Media
  • Perspectives on Zimbabwe’s Economic Recovery.

    A brief presentation  to the Sustainable Economics Forum (SEF)  by Takura Zhangazha Wednesday 10 September 2014. Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation (FES)  Zimbabwe, Head Office, Harare Discussing the economic prospects of Zimbabwe has invariably had to be linked to the state of our politics. Mainly for two reasons. The first being that the Fast Track Land…

    Click or not: Perspectives on Zimbabwe’s Economic Recovery.
  • Ebola Virus Outbreak and Africa’s Continuing ‘Nativity' (That Natived Us)

     By Takura Zhangazha* The outbreak of the Ebola virus in West Africa evokes both sadness and self introspection for many an African. The loss of lives both to the fact that the virus is incurable as well as due to poor health facilities in the areas directly affected.  These factors have been compounded by the…

    Click or not: Ebola Virus Outbreak and Africa’s Continuing ‘Nativity' (That Natived Us)
  • A Third Way to View the Recent Zimbabwe -China Investment Deals

     By Takura Zhangazha* The full details of  ‘mega deals’ that President Mugabe is said to have been signing during his state visit to China are yet to emerge.  From the snippets that we have read in the state controlled media, these deals range from infrastructural investments pacts through to a greater number of memorandums of…

    Click or not: A Third Way to View the Recent Zimbabwe -China Investment Deals