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‘Zvirikufaya’ Videos: Diaspora, Locals’ Converging Consciousness, Materialism and Humour
Click or not: ‘Zvirikufaya’ Videos: Diaspora, Locals’ Converging Consciousness, Materialism and HumourBy Takura Zhangazha Social media continues its increasingly phenomenal role in Zimbabwean consciousness. Particularly where it is used to navigate the linkages between the Zimbabwean Diaspora and the growing number of its users in Zimbabwe. While initially it was intended for communication purposes, it is increasingly being used for entertainment and even the regular jocular… …
The Increasing Influence of War Veterans in Zimbabwe’s Politics.
Click or not: The Increasing Influence of War Veterans in Zimbabwe’s Politics.By Takura Zhangazha* Veterans from Zimbabwe’s liberation war are an ever present generational feature of our political landscape. Their narratives of struggle have largely been captured by Zanu PF as a political party and as a former liberation movement. They are however not uniform in how they have responded to contemporary challenges that our society… …
The Incident of the MPs Stranded in China: Shopping Without the People.
Click or not: The Incident of the MPs Stranded in China: Shopping Without the People.By Takura Zhangazha* The majority of our 27 Members of Parliament (MPs)that got stranded in China are safely back home. With the benefit of hindsight, the incident can only be referred to with good natured humour. In fact it reminded me of my high school days where, in trying to understand the functions of a… …
MDC Factions’ Fights over Victims of Political Violence Tragic, Symptomatic of Insensitive Leadership.
Click or not: MDC Factions’ Fights over Victims of Political Violence Tragic, Symptomatic of Insensitive Leadership.By Takura Zhangazha* I read with great sadness, a story that appeared in a local daily, The Newsday, about the two MDC factions having a public spat about victims of political violence. The Biti faction, through its spokesperson callously accused the Tsvangirai faction of having abandoned victims of political violence for ‘wives and houses’. In… …