Category: Uncategorized
Laughing at Power: Religion, Violence and Politics in Harare’s Budiriro Suburbs.
Click or not: Laughing at Power: Religion, Violence and Politics in Harare’s Budiriro Suburbs.By Takura Zhangazha* Religion has always been integral to Zimbabwean politics. In fact it has been a launch pad for political consciousness in various phases of our national history. Whether one refers to the ‘Traditional’, ‘Orthodox’, ‘Pentecostal’ , ‘Islamic’ or ‘Apostolic’ these varying strands of religious persuasion have invariably had a direct effect on how… …
Cde Dzino: "Not a Minute Without the People" (We Salute You!)
Click or not: Cde Dzino: "Not a Minute Without the People" (We Salute You!)By Takura Zhangazha* My first encounter with the late Cde Wilfred Mhanda or Cde Dzino as he was and will always be affectionately known by many, was a brief, personal but thorough impromptu lecture in the early 2000s. We had been debating the legacy of Marxism in the liberation struggle and its placement in the… …
Zim's Indigenization 'Climb Up' or 'Climb Down', Difference is the Same.
Click or not: Zim's Indigenization 'Climb Up' or 'Climb Down', Difference is the Same.By Takura Zhangazha* The Zimbabwean government has, through the media, announced that it is reviewing it’s much talked about economic indigenization and empowerment policy. The review, again according to contested media reports, its either a ‘climb down’ or a ‘climb up’. The latter phrase meaning an escalation of the radical nature of the policy as… …
Information Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) Needs to Be Honest.
Click or not: Information Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) Needs to Be Honest.By Takura Zhangazha* The government appointed Information and Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) has been engaged in at least a month’s long public outreach programme. It has been reported that some of the public meetings have been characterized by low to reasonable attendance and also that members of the public that have attended are generally… …