Category: Uncategorized
Mazowe District Farm Evictions: Demeaning the Legacy of Mbuya Nehanda in Pursuit of Elitist Land Reform
Click or not: Mazowe District Farm Evictions: Demeaning the Legacy of Mbuya Nehanda in Pursuit of Elitist Land ReformBy Takura Zhangazha Central government, through the Mashonaland Central resident Minister, Martin Dinha, has been evicting settlers on newly resettled farmland that is in the Mazowe District. The latter district is now publicly known to be the home of two major projects linked to the First Family. Media reports have also indicated that the First… …
Econet, Telecel, Netone: The Three Fighting Brothers of Zimbabwe’s New Telecommunications Industrial Complex.
Click or not: Econet, Telecel, Netone: The Three Fighting Brothers of Zimbabwe’s New Telecommunications Industrial Complex.By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe has three mobile telephone companies, namely EconetWireless Zimbabwe , Telecel Zimbabwe and NetOne. These three companies, in the last two years have been the key actors in mobile telephony war in Zimbabwe. It is a war primarily for primacy in the small but lucrative market for telephony. The battles were initially about the… …
Harare’s "Wring them Dry and (still) Make Them Pay ” (Wired) Water Privatization Plans
Click or not: Harare’s "Wring them Dry and (still) Make Them Pay ” (Wired) Water Privatization PlansBy Takura Zhangazha* The Harare City Council (HCC) has announced via the media that it is at advanced stages of entering into a deal with an as yet unnamed South African based company to refurbish the capital city’s water delivery system. The deal is estimated to be at a cost of close to US$3 billion. … …
On the Other Shore of Tokwe Mukosi: Tragedy, Colonial Legacies and Disaster Capitalism
Click or not: On the Other Shore of Tokwe Mukosi: Tragedy, Colonial Legacies and Disaster CapitalismBy Takura Zhangazha* I have a number of friends and colleagues who have gone to the site of the national disaster flooded area of the still under construction Tokwe Mukosi dam wall. Some for journalistic reasons. Others in aide of humanitarian relief efforts. In both cases the concern is genuinely in the best public and… …