Category: Uncategorized
Mr. Speaker Sir. Parliament is not a University
Click or not: Mr. Speaker Sir. Parliament is not a UniversityBy Takura Zhangazha* The Speaker of the House of Assembly, Mr Mundenda recently made some startling remarks when he addressed students from the National Defence College. He is reported in the media as having decried the ‘limited academic qualifications’ of some Members of Parliament (who incidentally elected him to office). He is of the view… …
President Mugabe @90: Leadership by Symbolism
Click or not: President Mugabe @90: Leadership by SymbolismBy Takura Zhangazha* I last wrote about President Mugabe when he turned 88 in 2012. In the article/blog that I wrote, I took the risk of defining him as a ‘revolutionary by default’. I wrote those words with a bit of trepidation. Firstly because I could have been arrested for writing that. Secondly because I… …
5 (Sad) Reasons for Violence in Zimbabwe’s Largest Opposition Political Parties.
Click or not: 5 (Sad) Reasons for Violence in Zimbabwe’s Largest Opposition Political Parties.By Takura Zhangazha* Any political opposition to a long standing ruling party will always suffer the burden of being scrutinized in greater detail than its nemesis. In the age of social/new media, this tendency becomes even more widespread as many citizens and even supporters can generally express either their support or disapproval of the actions… …
The Pitfalls of Our Ephemeral Political Consciousness*
Click or not: The Pitfalls of Our Ephemeral Political Consciousness*By Takura Zhangazha^ Political consciousness of one sort or the other is something we all eventually aspire to. Even if it means shunning political activity altogether or alternatively taking to it with enthusiasm or self righteousness. In what I would refer to as ‘arrival societies’ also known as the ‘developed world’ (North and East), political… …