Category: Uncategorized

  • Zimbabwe’s Year 2014, ‘Now you see it, Now you don’t’: Unless..

    By Takura Zhangazha* Collectively celebrating the advent of a new year is risky business in Zimbabwe. Each New Year has signified more an event than the beginning of any particularly optimistic time based process. Unless of course we are dealing with the personal such as the year one tied the knot, changed a job or…

    Click or not: Zimbabwe’s Year 2014, ‘Now you see it, Now you don’t’: Unless..
  • In Pursuit of Democratically Converged Political Leaders.

    By Takura Zhangazha* For a long time now since independence in 1980 our national political leaderships have been judged either by their educational qualifications or their individual contribution to long political struggles.  What has tended to hold more sway has been measuring the capacity of someone to lead on the basis of how educated they…

    Click or not: In Pursuit of Democratically Converged Political Leaders.
  • Book Review: Liberation Movements in Power. Party and State in Southern Africa

     Book Review: Liberation Movements in Power. Party and State in Southern Africa (Roger Southall 2013, University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Scotsville,South Africa) By Takura Zhangazha* Professor Roger Southall’s new book, Liberation Movements in Southern Africa, Party and State in Southern Africa with a specific focus on the African National Congress (ANC), the Zimbabwe African National Union…

    Click or not: Book Review: Liberation Movements in Power. Party and State in Southern Africa
  • Nelson Mandela: An African Icon, in African Time, On African Terms.

    By Takura Zhangazha* In mourning former South African President Nelson Mandela, everyone will want to claim him for their own. And that is a good thing.  Some will want to claim him as part confessionals about their own countries’ complicity in aiding apartheid. Others as participants in domestic, continental and global struggles that brought down…

    Click or not: Nelson Mandela: An African Icon, in African Time, On African Terms.