Category: Uncategorized
Economic Indigenization and the Struggle for Social and Economic Justice in Zimbabwe
Click or not: Economic Indigenization and the Struggle for Social and Economic Justice in ZimbabweA presentation to the Zimbabwe Coalition on Debt and Development (ZIMCODD), Debt and Extractives Dialogue Series By Takura Zhangazha* 20 November 2013, Jameson Hotel Harare Cde Chairman, comrades, colleagues, students, ladies and gentlemen, Let me begin by expressing my gratitude to ZIMCODD for inviting me to this important meeting. It is one of the few… …
Zim-Asset: A Prelude to Predatory State Capitalism.
Click or not: Zim-Asset: A Prelude to Predatory State Capitalism.By Takura Zhangazha* A colleague in the media recently forwarded an electronic copy of our government’s five year economic blueprint plan, Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio-Economic Transformation (Zim Asset), Toward an Empowered Society and a Growing Economy. It has not yet been launched with as much fanfare as is usually the custom of Zanu Pf.… …
Chief Chinamhora 's Claim to Harare: A Symptom of Historical Contradictions in Local Government
Click or not: Chief Chinamhora 's Claim to Harare: A Symptom of Historical Contradictions in Local GovernmentBy Takura Zhangazha* After reading renowned Ugandan academic, Mahmood Mamdani’s recently published book, Define and Rule, Native as Political Identity, I coincidentally came across a news item about a land claim to Africa Unity Square in Harare. This specific claim to a significant and symbolic portion of Harare’s central business district was made by Chief… …
Thomas Mapfumo’s Golden Classics Album: A Reflection on the Historical Fabric of Zimbabwean Society.
Click or not: Thomas Mapfumo’s Golden Classics Album: A Reflection on the Historical Fabric of Zimbabwean Society.By Takura Zhangazha* Listening to Thomas Mapfumo’s new compilation album, Golden Classics is akin to undergoing a musical historical narrative on the progression of Zimbabwean society since the late 1970s through to the euphoric early years of independence. It is an album that makes the listener not only aware of varying phases of Zimbabwe’s socio-political,… …