Category: Uncategorized

  • President Zuma, Think Like an African! (It helps.)

     By Takura Zhangazha* South African President Jacob Zuma is generally a man who harbours little fear of the negative consequences of his words or actions. Or if he does, he exhibits a certain confidence that he will overcome any such problematic effects of what he says or does. His reported utterances at a meeting organized…

    Click or not: President Zuma, Think Like an African! (It helps.)
  • University of Zimbabwe: Seek ye first Academic Freedom (and everything else shall follow)

    By Takura Zhangazha* Writing in the Zimbabwe Independent (11-17 October), journalist and colleague Herbert Moyo, aptly pointed out the problems that are afflicting Zimbabwe’s largest university, the University of Zimbabwe (UZ). In his report, Moyo makes reference to how over a year ago, the former Deputy Prime Minister Arthur Mutambara had set up a fundraising…

    Click or not: University of Zimbabwe: Seek ye first Academic Freedom (and everything else shall follow)
  • The ICC's problematic 'heart of darkness' approach in Africa.

      By Takura Zhangazha* The African Union’s extraordinary summit to consider its relationship with the International Criminal Court (ICC)on 11 and 12 October 2013 has been received with two different strands of debate. The first being that of an ‘its about time the AU talked back to the ICC’ approach. The second element, which was more…

    Click or not: The ICC's problematic 'heart of darkness' approach in Africa.
  • Professor Moyo's ambiguous carrot (and suspended stick) to Zimbabwe's Media.

    By Takura Zhangazha* The new Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services, Professor Jonathan Moyo together with  his deputy Hon. Super Mandiwanzira appear to have come good on their promise to ‘hit the ground running’. Apart from calling meetings with a diverse spectrum of media and media related stakeholders in Harare and Bulawayo in the…

    Click or not: Professor Moyo's ambiguous carrot (and suspended stick) to Zimbabwe's Media.