Category: Uncategorized

  • Ten Point Guide to Reading Zimbabwean Political Party Manifestos in 2013.

    By Takura Zhangazha* The two main political parties in Zimbabwe have launched their manifestos for the harmonized elections scheduled for July 31 2013. Other parties will most certainly do the same, though with less pomp and ceremony. Given that there will be a lot of insistence on which manifesto is better, please see below some…

    Click or not: Ten Point Guide to Reading Zimbabwean Political Party Manifestos in 2013.
  • On a Zimbabwean SADC withdrawal I Politely Disagree Mr. President.

    By Takura Zhangazha* At the launch of his political party (Zanu Pf)  manifesto for the July 31 2013 harmonized elections, President Mugabe made some rather shocking remarks as regards the Southern African Development Community (SADC). The statements may be forgivable given that they were made within the context of our never ending electoral campaign season…

    Click or not: On a Zimbabwean SADC withdrawal I Politely Disagree Mr. President.
  • Wiztech, SABC and the Grim Television Reality of Zimbabwe

    By Takura Zhangazha*  South Africa’s broadcasting signal distributor Sentech recently  scrambled Wiztech decoder satellite channels in accordance  with a court order in the same country.  These channels have been popular not only in Zimbabwe but in a majority of Southern African states. As a result, and for Zimbabweans in particular, there has not only been anguish…

    Click or not: Wiztech, SABC and the Grim Television Reality of Zimbabwe
  • Zimbabwe’s Politicized Public Intellectualism.

    By Takura Zhangazha* There is a silent but evident battle that is being waged in-between the political statements over and about the political state of affairs in Zimbabwe. It is an intellectual one. It is however not organic. Its primary characteristics are defined either by party politics or outright mimicry of intellectualism from elsewhere (or…

    Click or not: Zimbabwe’s Politicized Public Intellectualism.