Category: Uncategorized
Zimbabwean lessons from the Whistle-Blown United States Prism Programme
Click or not: Zimbabwean lessons from the Whistle-Blown United States Prism ProgrammeBy Takura Zhangazha* The recent revelations in the Guardian UK newspaper by American whistle-blower Edward Snowden, that his country’s National Security Agency (NSA) has been secretly collecting phone and internet related data of its citizens has correctly sent shock-waves across the world. Particularly in Europe, the Middle East and Asia. The levels of debate on… …
July 31 2013: Arguments without the people.
Click or not: July 31 2013: Arguments without the people.July 31 2013: Arguments without the people. By Takura Zhangazha. There is a new-found abstract character to our politics in Zimbabwe. The heyday of political fervor for an idea or grand national vision seems to have become a thing of the past. The politics of our times are reserved for actors with specific proximity to… …
Remarks at St Ignatius College June 2013 Prize Giving Ceremony
Click or not: Remarks at St Ignatius College June 2013 Prize Giving CeremonySt Ignatius College Chishawasha, 02 June 2013 Prize Giving Ceremony Remarks by Takura Zhangazha. Representatives of the Ministry of Education, Sports and Culture, Father Phiri SJ, Rector of St Ignatius College Chairperson of the School Development Committee The Headmaster and Teaching Staff Parents and Guardians Administrative and Non Teaching Staff The School Captain, Head Girl,… …
The AU at 50: Nostalgia and Hope
Click or not: The AU at 50: Nostalgia and HopeBy Takura Zhangazha* The 2013 celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU), now known as the African Union (AU), will be characterized by feelings of nostalgia and also of hope. The nostalgia will be for the passion and belief that drove its founding leaders in the struggles against colonialism and… …