Category: Uncategorized

  • Zimbabwe in 2021: The Necessity of Optimum Equality for All

     By Takura Zhangazha* The passage of the year 2020 in our memories is something that will be with us for a long while yet.  Mainly because it brought with it a global pandemic that we all have now come to know as the corona virus (Covid19) and its devastating impact on our common/shared global existence.  …

    Click or not: Zimbabwe in 2021: The Necessity of Optimum Equality for All
  • Covid 19 Zimbabwe Advice from Year 2020 to Year 2021

     By Takura Zhangazha* Some things are not expected to happen by default. For example, travelling by aeroplane from one place to the other from Africa is supposed to be a status symbol.  Especially getting a Visa to attend a conference in the Global North. Particularly Europe or North America.  Until a pandemic such as Covid 19…

    Click or not: Covid 19 Zimbabwe Advice from Year 2020 to Year 2021
  • The Political Economy of Social Media in Zimbabwe (An Urban Dog’s Breakfast)

    By Takura Zhangazha*  This would generally be assumed to be a rather boring subject matter.  Because social media is exactly what it is- social and ephemeral.  Except that it comes with human behavioral modification elements that cannot be ignored.  Especially at an individual level.  It easily remembers as quickly as it can forget.  Even though…

    Click or not: The Political Economy of Social Media in Zimbabwe (An Urban Dog’s Breakfast)
  • A Casual Neo-Colonial Cruelty: Zim’s Urban Local Government

    By Takura Zhangazha* What is the meaning of the urban and its attendant aspirational lifestyle for many Zimbabweans?  This is a question that rarely gets asked in the now because the answer would be assumed to be historically obvious.  But in most cases remaining oblivious of the same past.  This is a point I will…

    Click or not: A Casual Neo-Colonial Cruelty: Zim’s Urban Local Government