Category: Uncategorized

  • Globally Entrenched Narratives In and About Zimbabwe.

    By Takura Zhangazha* I remember being interviewed by a journalist for a global media house some time ago during the November 2017 “coup-not- a coup” in Zimbabwe.  In the pre-recorded interview it appeared he preferred an editorial slant that would respond to the general popular view and ‘relief’ that the long duree president, Robert Mugabe…

    Click or not: Globally Entrenched Narratives In and About Zimbabwe.
  • Re-Inventing Zimbabwe Public Libraries for a Post Covid-19 Conscious Future.

     By Takura Zhangazha* A struggle cde recently reminded me, via social media, of the importance of libraries. He had tagged me in his own reflections on the importance of Walter Rodney’s epic book “ How Europe Underdeveloped Africa.”  And I remembered how I first encountered the same said book via initially the Waterfalls and eventually…

    Click or not: Re-Inventing Zimbabwe Public Libraries for a Post Covid-19 Conscious Future.
  • Populist Contradictions in Zimbabwe’s Political Opposition.

    By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s mainstream political opposition in its current divided formations, Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) Alliance or MDC-Tsvangirai is evidently in crisis.  The MDC-Alliance which brought other opposition parties, including its own splinter groups, together for the 2018 general/harmonized elections has found itself in a split that has sought to distinguish the original…

    Click or not: Populist Contradictions in Zimbabwe’s Political Opposition.
  • Zimbabwe at the United Nations General Assembly @75: Doing a Houdini on Permanent Interests.

     By Takura Zhangazha* The United Nations 75th General Assembly (UNGA75) has come to an end.  Held in what is an historical first virtual/online setup, it didn’t have the glamour, glitz or chutzpah of old. As a direct result of the Covid 19 global pandemic.  No heads of delegations could walk out on each other speeches,…

    Click or not: Zimbabwe at the United Nations General Assembly @75: Doing a Houdini on Permanent Interests.