Category: Uncategorized

  • Critical Conversations with Zimbabwe’s Diaspora: Beyond the Money

    By Takura Zhangazha* It is an interesting historical fact that most of the newer/modernist thinking around Zimbabwe’s liberation emerged from the Diaspora.  Or at least from experiences by those who were to become leaders of the same either as nationalists, war veterans and activists in one form or the other.  This was mainly via them…

    Click or not: Critical Conversations with Zimbabwe’s Diaspora: Beyond the Money
  • Zim's Land Compensation Deal: Ahistorical Sanctification of Private Property and Inequality

    By Takura Zhangazha* The Zimbabwean government in July 2020 signed what it referred to as a Global Compensation Deed (GCD) with ‘former farmers’.  The latter being mainly former white commercial farmers as represented by, in the agreement, the Commercial Farmers Union (CFU), Southern African Commercial Farmers Alliance (SACFA-Zimbabwe) and Valuation Consortium (Private) Limited (Valcon). The…

    Click or not: Zim's Land Compensation Deal: Ahistorical Sanctification of Private Property and Inequality
  • Netflixing Perceptions from the Global North to the Global South.

    By Takura Zhangazha* I would not have thought of it had it not been mentioned by a young comrade in relation to new ways of ‘socializing’ for young urban Zimbabweans. I had asked him how his weekend had been and he casually replied that he had managed to do something called “Netflix and chill.”  Now…

    Click or not: Netflixing Perceptions from the Global North to the Global South.
  • Rural Education in Covid19 Zimbabwe, Radio as Key.

    By Takura Zhangazha* In recent conversations about the impact of Covid 19 on rural livelihoods with relatives and friends from my rural home in Bikita, we touched upon the important subject of education.  The particular subject matter was, as is the conversational norm, initially approached from a generalized angle.  With the familiar subject being the…

    Click or not: Rural Education in Covid19 Zimbabwe, Radio as Key.