Category: Uncategorized

  • From Washington to Harare and Back: Black Lives Matter.

    By Takura Zhangazha* Recent demonstrations in the United States of America (USA) against racial inequality and police brutality have led to some surprising developments in Zimbabwe’s placement in international relations.  In what we, in Zimbabwe, would have assumed would be accusations against the ‘usual suspects’ of aggression and interference in the domestic affairs of the…

    Click or not: From Washington to Harare and Back: Black Lives Matter.
  • Whose Covid-19 New Normal Would It Be Anyway?

     By Takura Zhangazha* Nostalgia and memory tend to combine to create unexpected ideals.  Especially in times of crisis.  In the contemporary, the Covid 19 pandemic is probably doing the same.  It sometimes would seem like decades ago that we could go to work, send our children to school, go to football matches, attend church or…

    Click or not: Whose Covid-19 New Normal Would It Be Anyway?
  • Time, Mortality and our African Covid19 Context.

    By Takura Zhangazha* The World Health Organization (WHO) Africa regional office recently issued a statement that the continent should expect more Covid19 infections.   As reported in the media,  it estimates that over a quarter of a billion of us Africans will eventually be infected.  Though, again according to WHO fewer of us may die than…

    Click or not: Time, Mortality and our African Covid19 Context.
  • An Initial Case for a Zimbabwe Media Bailout Fund .

    By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s mainstream and emerging media have always been faced with the challenge of sustainability in a number of respects.  Top of the list in recent years has always been the challenge of viability and ability to generate revenue to remain going concerns.  Other’s relating again to sustainability include maintaining its integrity and…

    Click or not: An Initial Case for a Zimbabwe Media Bailout Fund .