Category: Uncategorized

  • Esi Isusu

    (Shinga Mushandi Shinga!) Na Takura Zhangazha* Patinoti Shinga Mushandi Shinga! Hatirevi kuti shingirira muhuranda Tinoreva kuti shingiririra mupfungwa Nemu hupenyu Funga mhuri hongu Esi fungawo nyika Tsanangudza hupfumi hwevanhu Usavanze Wona zvirikumashure Wona zviripo Zvese uchiita kuti uwone zvirimberi Dzamisa pfungwa Zviuyi zvingauya Asi chenjedza meso Nyangwe zvichiita sezvisingaiti Sezvisingakundiki Tarira seri kwazvo Wona mberi,…

    Click or not: Esi Isusu
  • Re-Imagining Progressive African Cities after Corona.

     By Takura Zhangazha* Living in a contemporary African city if argued from an historical perspective is to the greater extent a construct of colonialism. Both in its initial or later phases. Including its post/neo-colonial construct as envied or mimicked by those of us who would come to consider the African city, ‘home’.  In the wake…

    Click or not: Re-Imagining Progressive African Cities after Corona.
  • Struggles for New Normals after Corona

    By Takura Zhangazha* A now common phrase that has come with the global Covid-19 (corona virus) outbreak has been that ‘things will never be the same/normal again’.  It is one laden with many attendant questions as to its full meaning.   Key among these would be, ‘What was normal in the first place?’ Another being, ‘What…

    Click or not: Struggles for New Normals after Corona
  • Harness and Time:

    Ah the consciousness that is existence.  Trying to harness time.  And time doing the reverse. And knowing that still there are no ‘singular epiphanies’.  Just experiences found or lost.  Hoping that again, if it chooses, the sun shines tomorrow. Even knowing that it may not.  With its own regularity night always comes.  But with stars. …

    Click or not: Harness and Time: