Category: Uncategorized

  • Class, Poverty and Perception in Zimbabwe 2018 Election

    By Takura Zhangazha* This is my last blog post prior to Zimbabwe’s 2018 ‘harmonised’ election.  Over the last at least three (3) months, I have tried to share what I perceive to be its popular meaning, structural import and where possible, its more hidden hegemonic impact.  As a wannabee ‘public intellectual’ I confess to feeling…

    Click or not: Class, Poverty and Perception in Zimbabwe 2018 Election
  • When Mnangagwa Met Zimbabweans Who are White: Race and Zimbabwe 2018 Elections

    By Takura Zhangazha* It began with Zimbabwe’s deputy President Chiwenga holding two surprising campaign meetings.  One with what was called the ‘Indian’ community.  Another with what was referred to as the ‘Coloured community’.  The current Zanu Pf leader and president of the country, Emerson Mnagangwa,  then also recently  held what was dubbed an ‘interface meeting’…

    Click or not: When Mnangagwa Met Zimbabweans Who are White: Race and Zimbabwe 2018 Elections
  • Individualism, Relapse and the Zimbabwe 2018 Elections.

    By Takura Zhangazha* I am aware that I have used an awkward word (relapse) for this particular blog.  But there were three significant events that brought a deeper reflection to the scheduled 30 July 2018 general/harmonised election to necessary thought.  But before I delve into those, it would be helpful to explain what relapse means.  It essentially means…

    Click or not: Individualism, Relapse and the Zimbabwe 2018 Elections.
  • ZBC's Problem is Editorial not Advertorial

    By Takura Zhangazha* The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) recently issued a statement on its coverage of political parties during the current campaign period of Zimbabwe’s 2018 harmonised election.  This was after opposition political parties decried the high costs that the state broadcaster is charging for campaign adverts on its single television station and multiple radio…

    Click or not: ZBC's Problem is Editorial not Advertorial