Category: Uncategorized

  • Africa's Left: An Undying Intellectual, Activist + Contemporary Liberatory Consciousness

    By Takura Zhangazha* The editorial team of a legendary academic/activist journal the Review of African Political Economy (Roape) recently organized a workshop in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.  Themed ‘Imperialism in Africa Today: The Place of Class Struggles and Progressive Politics’  it was a  workshop that was always going to definitively capture the attention of many…

    Click or not: Africa's Left: An Undying Intellectual, Activist + Contemporary Liberatory Consciousness
  • Zimbabwe-Rwanda Relations: Fortifying Free Market and Strongman Politics?

    By Takura Zhangazha* I have only been to Kigali, Rwanda, once. I was impressed by its cleanliness.   I was slightly traumatized, by seeing soldiers with FN rifles on various street corners after dusk.  Its for security they said. I felt, though I really couldn’t say it out loud, that this is probably a reflection of…

    Click or not: Zimbabwe-Rwanda Relations: Fortifying Free Market and Strongman Politics?
  • Seven (7) Key Points for Candidates+Voters in Zimbabwe's 2018 Harmonised Election

     By Takura Zhangazha* There are already a plethora of political candidates and ‘parties’ for Zimbabwe’s 2018 harmonised election.  Whether they be offshoots of the ruling Zanu Pf party or its main opponent the MDC-T, nascent parties and independent candidates they make for a cacophony of political ambitions and interests.  And I guess in relation to…

    Click or not: Seven (7) Key Points for Candidates+Voters in Zimbabwe's 2018 Harmonised Election
  • Africa Deleting Facebook? Not Likely. But Context Will Matter More

     By Takura Zhangazha* When the GuardianUK newspaper broke a story about a data analytics company called Cambridge Analytica and its role in collecting the private data of British and American citizens, African social media did not go apoplectic. This was despite the fact that the same company also allegedly had a hand in two of…

    Click or not: Africa Deleting Facebook? Not Likely. But Context Will Matter More