Category: Uncategorized

  • The Emerging Supremacy of the Political Party in Southern Africa

    By Takura Zhangazha* Southern Africa is politically unique on the continent.  A majority of its countries underwent anti-colonial liberation struggles or directly assisted those that did so.  This also meant that these liberation struggles had a direct effect on the regions peoples and continues to do so to this day. And this influence is purveyed…

    Click or not: The Emerging Supremacy of the Political Party in Southern Africa
  • Countering Neoliberalism by Embracing Contextual Social Democracy In Zimbabwe

    By Takura Zhangazha* A friend once vehemently argued that neoliberalism was good.  This was at an afternoon lunch with other activists where I had made what I thought were fair points on the new importance of what I referred to as contextual social democracy.  Both as an ideological mechanism of understanding the current challenges Zimbabwe…

    Click or not: Countering Neoliberalism by Embracing Contextual Social Democracy In Zimbabwe
  • Saving the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)

    By Takura Zhangazha* The Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) is a public asset. Initially moulded along the same sort of lines as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) as the then Rhodesia Broadcasting Corporation (RBC) it sought to serve the news and entertainment interests of a white minority.  These latter interests took on a propagandist tone during…

    Click or not: Saving the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC)
  • #Davos2018 :Zimbabwe is Not for Sale, Mr. President.

    By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s president is in Davos, Switzerland for the World Economic Forum (WEF2018).  And the run up to his visit has been characterized by a significant amount of state controlled media fanfare, private media encouragement and a decent amount of optimism by the  business sector.  One or two opposing parliamentarians have joined the…

    Click or not: #Davos2018 :Zimbabwe is Not for Sale, Mr. President.