Category: Uncategorized

  • Dangers of an African (Un)Consciousness in Trump et al Era

     By Takura Zhangazha* As an African, I tend to wear my consciousness on my sleeve. By consciousness I mean my own sense of self-worth and political placement as, you guessed it, a black African from Zimbabwe (in Africa).  This is despite the many years of being influenced by global western and eastern dominant cultural trends…

    Click or not: Dangers of an African (Un)Consciousness in Trump et al Era
  • Rain and Zimbabwe's 2018 Harmonised Elections

    By Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s rainy seasons always signify anxious moments for its ruling establishment(s).  This is because when the heavens open up (generously), it is considered, across many of the country’s sub-cultures, that the ancestors and Mwari, Unkulunkulu (God) has blessed the land and its people.  Not because of expected regular geographical (scientific patterns) as…

    Click or not: Rain and Zimbabwe's 2018 Harmonised Elections
  • Zim Churches' Risky Lack of Caution on Political Loyalties

     By Takura Zhangazha* These are probably awkward times for Zimbabwe’s ‘African Pentecostal/Apostolic’ church leaders.  Only a couple of months ago some of them were fawning before the former first lady and her cohorts and praying for the long life and rule of her husband. On new year’s eve some of them organised a national prayer meeting with…

    Click or not: Zim Churches' Risky Lack of Caution on Political Loyalties
  • Zim's 2017: A Political Year that Will Not End Soon (Not for Democratic Reasons)

    By Takura Zhangazha* There are many ways to review Zimbabwe’s  political year that became 2017. Whichever way one tries to look at it, it’s a given that it was seismic and borderline catastrophic.   The military intervention/ coup or as officially described ‘Operation Restore Legacy’  was the most significant event that never had to happen.  At…

    Click or not: Zim's 2017: A Political Year that Will Not End Soon (Not for Democratic Reasons)