Category: Uncategorized
Countering a Stalling of Media Freedom in a Post-Mugabe Era
Click or not: Countering a Stalling of Media Freedom in a Post-Mugabe EraBy Takura Zhangazha* Where it concerns freedom of expression in Zimbabwe’s ‘new era’, there are a number of urgent matters that need to be placed on the table. Not only by government officials (even though there is a current political vacancy in the relevant ministry). At the same time, the ministry exists and has its… …
Budget, Congress, Election: Zanu Pf's Firm Intention on Perpetual Power/Hegemony
Click or not: Budget, Congress, Election: Zanu Pf's Firm Intention on Perpetual Power/HegemonyBy Takura Zhangazha* When newly re-appointed Finance minister Patrick Chinamasa presented the projected Zimbabwe government budget for 2018 he did not mince his words. Paramount in the intentions of government is the embrace of (neo) liberal economics of the free market with a dash of state capitalism also known as ‘command economy'(intervention). It was a… …
Echoes from Goree: Resisting a Contemporary African Slave Trade
Click or not: Echoes from Goree: Resisting a Contemporary African Slave TradeBy Takura Zhangazha* Visiting Goree Island in Senegal did not turn out to be as eerie as I had initially anticipated. And I wasn’t going to have an Obama picturesque moment of looking austerely toward the open Atlantic ocean. Or trying to find the deepest of meaning from it. But approaching the island on the… …
Zim's Political Reality Check + Zanu Pf’s Internal Transition
Click or not: Zim's Political Reality Check + Zanu Pf’s Internal TransitionBy Takura Zhangazha* There is one good thing that is now emerging from the current political crisis in Zimbabwe. This is that the lead role in seeking to resolve the impasse has now been taken over by the politicians. At least by way of pronouncements, rallies and internal ruling Zanu Pf party meetings. The… …