Category: Uncategorized

  • Zim Politics by Soap Opera: Ambition minus People nor Democratic Value.

     By Takura Zhangazha* You couldn’t make it up if you tried.  It is the stuff of soap opera scripts.  An aged patriarch with a relatively young spouse.  A (previously, but that would be a spoiler) blue eyed ‘boy’/ successor/runner.  And the supposedly intriguing issue of ‘succession’ to head the empire. And yes, there is a…

    Click or not: Zim Politics by Soap Opera: Ambition minus People nor Democratic Value.
  • Parliament of Zimbabwe’s Crass Materialism in the Midst of Poverty.

    By Takura Zhangazha* In the last week Zimbabwean Members of Parliament (MPs) in the National Assembly have staged quasi –protests over a reported outstanding US$15 million in unpaid ‘sitting allowances’.  This is not their only grievance. They also want to be given iPads (apparently promised last year), the disbursement of the controversial US$50,000 Constituency Development…

    Click or not: Parliament of Zimbabwe’s Crass Materialism in the Midst of Poverty.
  • Africa in Social Media: Terror Victims Minus Viral Global Empathy

     By Takura Zhangazha* There was a terrorist attack in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu this week.  Over 300 Somalian citizens were murdered and scores more were injured.  Social media did not explode with emotion as it has done with other terrorist attacks on innocent civilians in the global north.  There were no Somali flag coloured backgrounds to…

    Click or not: Africa in Social Media: Terror Victims Minus Viral Global Empathy
  • Zimbabwe's Dying National Consciousness

     By Takura Zhangazha* There are a lot of ‘political’ events that leave a sour taste in the mouth at the moment in Zimbabwe. And sometimes even the thought of writing about or accepting a request for an interview on them appears abstract. Or more like partaking in a cyclical ‘politics as entertainment, gossip and soap…

    Click or not: Zimbabwe's Dying National Consciousness