Category: Uncategorized
Amending a Constitution Using a Constitution: Basic Politics’ Triumph Over Law in Zim
Click or not: Amending a Constitution Using a Constitution: Basic Politics’ Triumph Over Law in ZimBy Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s Parliament had to be divided to vote on constitutional amendment bill number 1 of 2017. And it was pretty much a foregone conclusion as to how it would all turn out. Zanu Pf has not only a two thirds majority (required to change sections of the constitution) in the National Assembly… …
Zim Govt's 'Comfort + Control Zone' Over the Media
Click or not: Zim Govt's 'Comfort + Control Zone' Over the MediaBy Takura Zhangazha* The Zimbabwe Ministry of Media, Information and Broadcasting Services is in a comfort zone that its leaders probably didn’t think was realistically feasible a couple of years back. This can be explained by the recent statement that the responsible cabinet minister Chris Mushowe made threatening to withhold parastatal advertisements from ‘critical private… …
Zim Opposition in the 2018 Election: Class, Consciousness and Normalisation
Click or not: Zim Opposition in the 2018 Election: Class, Consciousness and Normalisation*By Takura Zhangazha Zimbabwe’s opposition political party landscape has, as expected, become much more interesting as the 2018 harmonized election approaches. And approaches at relatively breakneck speed though very few of us are noticing this. Especially because a lot of political actors are essentially pre-occupied with the immediate than with broader strategic considerations as to… …
Prez Mugabe's AU Donation, Addressing a Symptom to Avoid the Cause
Click or not: Prez Mugabe's AU Donation, Addressing a Symptom to Avoid the CauseBy Takura Zhangazha* President Mugabe recently donated US$ 1 million to the African Union (AU) reportedly in his personal capacity. And no, the money was not sourced from Zimbabwe’s national treasury. Instead it came from auctioning at least 300 head of cattle from his own personal herd. At least we are told. It is a… …