Category: Uncategorized
ZanuPF is Not a Revolutionary Party. More Conservative, Repressive and Elitist
Click or not: ZanuPF is Not a Revolutionary Party. More Conservative, Repressive and ElitistBy Takura Zhangazha* The ruling Zimbabwe African National Union (Patriotic Front) Zanu PF has regularly made claims that is a ‘revolutionary party’. It has buttressed its arguments on the basis of not only its role in the liberation struggle but also a default land reform exercise that it undertook in the face of a strong… …
Africa Day 2017: Context, Consciousness, Action (Not Dividends)
Click or not: Africa Day 2017: Context, Consciousness, Action (Not Dividends)*By Takura Zhangazha Africa Day is perhaps the most politically conscious of all of the continent’s public or commemorative days. On its own, before we even analyse what African countries, their leaders and others have done over the 54 years that have lapsed since the formation of the liberation struggle oriented Organisation of African Unity… …
Afrobarometer/MPOI Zimbabwe Survey: Extracting Political Meaning, Questioning Complex Reality
Click or not: Afrobarometer/MPOI Zimbabwe Survey: Extracting Political Meaning, Questioning Complex RealityBy Takura Zhangazha* Zimbabwe’s Mass Public Opinion Institute (MPOI) in partnership with Afrobarometer has recently made public the findings of its round seven survey on the ‘Quality of Democracy and Governance in Zimbabwe, 2016-2017’. The field work was done earlier this year. MPOI argues that its survey is quantitative and not qualitative. It therefore does not… …
Critical Minds for Critical Times: Supporting Investigative Journalism in Zimbabwe.
Click or not: Critical Minds for Critical Times: Supporting Investigative Journalism in Zimbabwe.A presentation to the VMCZ ‘Bornwell Chakaodza Memorial Lecture’ for World Press Freedom Day Week. Thursday 4 May 2017 Rainbow Towers Hotel, Harare, Zimbabwe Cde Chairperson, Let me begin by thanking you for the invitation to deliver this years World Press Freedom Day Bornwell Chakaodza’s Memorial Lecture. The global theme, ‘Critical Minds for Critical Times,… …