Category: Uncategorized
Biometric Voter Registration Minus Popular Public Engagement in Zimbabwe
Click or not: Biometric Voter Registration Minus Popular Public Engagement in ZimbabweBy Takura Zhangazha* There’s a new elephant in Zimbabwe’s political room. And its called biometric voter registration (BVR). The government has authorised the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to go ahead and establish a new voters’ roll. Tenders for the supply of the relevant equipment or BVR kits have since been issued albeit under what are now controversial/disputed… …
Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass (Thinking With and Beyond 2018)
Click or not: Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass (Thinking With and Beyond 2018)Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass : Key Messages and Rallying Points. A Presentation to the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute Civil Society Think Tank Meeting. 23 February 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe. By Takura Zhangazha* Cde Chairman, I would like to begin by thanking you for inviting me to this key Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI) civil society… …
Curriculum Changes and Nationalization of Education in Zim: Gambling with the Future
Click or not: Curriculum Changes and Nationalization of Education in Zim: Gambling with the FutureBy Takura Zhangazha* The government of Zimbabwe has changed its education curriculum. There was no public debate prior to this far reaching policy change. Arguably because these changes were recommendations from a government commission of inquiry into higher and tertiary education which is referred to as the Nziramasanga Commission (among other government sponsored reviews) Essentially… …
Picking Up the Phone: American Humour vs Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy/Reputation
Click or not: Picking Up the Phone: American Humour vs Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy/ReputationBy Takura Zhangazha* The American comedy show, ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) has been having a decent go at President Donald Trump. In its latest edition it had a section in which it parodied his phone calls to the Australian prime minister, Michael Turnbull, Mexican President Enrique Piena Neto and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel. As expected the abruptness… …