Category: Uncategorized

  • Biometric Voter Registration Minus Popular Public Engagement in Zimbabwe

    By Takura Zhangazha* There’s a new elephant in Zimbabwe’s political room. And its called biometric voter registration (BVR).  The government has authorised the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) to go ahead and establish a new voters’ roll.  Tenders for the supply of the relevant equipment or BVR kits have since been issued albeit under what are now controversial/disputed…

    Click or not: Biometric Voter Registration Minus Popular Public Engagement in Zimbabwe
  • Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass (Thinking With and Beyond 2018)

    Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass : Key Messages and Rallying Points. A Presentation to the Zimbabwe Democracy Institute Civil Society Think Tank Meeting.  23 February 2017, Harare, Zimbabwe.  By Takura Zhangazha* Cde Chairman, I would like to begin by thanking you for inviting me to this key Zimbabwe Democracy Institute (ZDI) civil society…

    Click or not: Defining an Inclusive Zimbabwean Civil Society Compass (Thinking With and Beyond 2018)
  • Curriculum Changes and Nationalization of Education in Zim: Gambling with the Future

     By Takura Zhangazha* The government of Zimbabwe has changed its education curriculum.  There was no public debate prior to this far reaching policy change. Arguably because these changes were recommendations from a government commission of inquiry into higher and tertiary education which is referred to as the Nziramasanga Commission (among other government sponsored reviews) Essentially…

    Click or not: Curriculum Changes and Nationalization of Education in Zim: Gambling with the Future
  • Picking Up the Phone: American Humour vs Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy/Reputation

    By Takura Zhangazha* The American comedy show, ‘Saturday Night Live’ (SNL) has been having a decent go at President Donald Trump.  In its latest edition it had a section in which it parodied his phone calls to the Australian prime minister, Michael Turnbull, Mexican President Enrique Piena Neto and German Chancellor, Angela Merkel.  As expected the abruptness…

    Click or not: Picking Up the Phone: American Humour vs Zimbabwe’s Foreign Policy/Reputation