Category: Uncategorized
Africa's Struggle History Absolves Fidel Castro
Click or not: Africa's Struggle History Absolves Fidel CastroBy Takura Zhangazha* Cuban revolutionary Commandante Fidel Castro’s passing was not a sudden shock for the world nor for us here in Africa. We already knew he was unwell and at his age, we knew that his revolutionary life was near its end. He even let us know it and advised that the ideas of… …
Africa and the Global North: Limiting Admiration, Focusing on Progressing Better
Click or not: Africa and the Global North: Limiting Admiration, Focusing on Progressing BetterBy Takura Zhangazha* I once had a extended argument with a fellow African who vehemently supported the invasion of Iraq by the United States of America and its allies. Not only that, he was a George W. Bush aficionado. He liked the gung-ho ‘you are either with us or against us’ foreign policy that the… …
Zimbabwe’s Civil Service Urban Land Offer: Capital and Co-optation?
Click or not: Zimbabwe’s Civil Service Urban Land Offer: Capital and Co-optation?By Takura Zhangazha* The Ministry of Local Government in consultation with Apex, the umbrella body of civil service associations, announced that it is rolling out a residential stands allocation scheme for government workers. While not mentioning the commencement date of the scheme, the government outlined that it had identified land that could be allocated for… …
Harare City Council: Rule By Diktat, Worshiping at the Altar of Elitism and Money
Click or not: Harare City Council: Rule By Diktat, Worshiping at the Altar of Elitism and MoneyBy Takura Zhangazha* The Harare City Council (HCC) recently issued an odd equivalent of an edict or decree. It announced, rather ominously, and like an arrogant overlord of our urban life, that it is shutting down house water supplies in at least eight residential areas of Harare. The reason it gave for doing so is that… …