Deputy Minister Mandiwanzira, "Take it Again From the Top and this Time, Calmly,"

By Takura Zhangazha* 
The deputy Minister of Media, Information and Broadcasting
Services, Mr. Mandiwanzira  was recently
on the world famous BBC Hardtalk programme. Most politicians would balk at even
the idea of being on such, as its name suggests, a hard-talking interview
programme. And for agreeing to be on it,  the deputy minister must be applauded.  Until one watches the actual interview.
It is a general given that  the Ministry of Information (whatever other phrases are
added to its title) has been viewed as the official publicity arm of
government/cabinet business.  As such,
the ministry,  or at least what it says
publicly tends to reflect the general character of government. And I am sure that is why the BBC was probably keen on hearing out the deputy minister. 
However, watching and listening to Mr. Mandiwanzira’s interview, one
can be forgiven for thinking that our government is impatient, too defensive
(as opposed to explanatory), evasive and a tad dishonest.  Or even that, contrary to its deliberate actions
of seeking broad re-engagement with the international community, the government appears
not to have shifted from its old combative international style.  This regardless of the fact that there are many better ways for it to make its
global case other than being vituperative in order to get partisan pats on the back
for having  put the BBC in ‘it’s place’.
But the most unfortunate aspect of the interview is that the
deputy minister decides, in answering or evading questions, to delve into
personal and not issue based responses.  And
in some instances with downright dishonesty too by dismissing opinions of organizations
such as Crisis Coalition, the Zimbabwe Election Support Network solely because
he says they are funded by ‘regime change’ agents. (He also makes brief mention of
the media in the same vein.)
He also, with some emotion, responded to reference to an
opinion I had written on the issue of land redistribution increasingly
appearing to an elite transaction, by wrongly accusing me of being a member of
a political party. And  dismissing my
opinion on the grounds that I therefore had a ‘vested interest’.  The truth of the matter, every Zimbabwean has
a vested interest in land.
From those that are given land today and evicted from the
same tomorrow without either compensation or democratic relocation.  All in an age where we are supposed to be in
the final stages of what government has called the ‘3rd Chimurenga. Or
where urban land is allocated to the urban homeless  under the aegis of the ruling party prior to
an election, only to have their houses demolished the morning after a two
thirds majority electoral victory by the same party.  All of which are being done without adequately
addressing issues of land usage within the context of the redistribution
He however chose to conveniently evade the actual issue he
was being questioned on and ironically had to be reminded that even if he
referred to my person, I was also a Zimbabwean with an opinion. As well as to
not shoot the messenger!
Obviously Mr. Mandiwanzira as a seasoned journalist and
former chief executive of  a new private
radio station, knows how to play to specific media audience galleries. Even on
the BBC. Or at national events where he has now become a regular master of
ceremonies.  No one should begrudge him
But as a senior government official there are probably a
number of things that he needs either to be reminded of. Or at least told, if
he does not know.
At a time when the collective effort of the Zimbabwean
government appears to be that of courting international support for Zimasset,
it would be prudent to be less evasive, personal or abrasive  on international television. While BBC
Hardtalk suggests and is known for its combative style of questioning, the
interviewee is normally the better for it if they are calm, professional and
precise in their responses. Even if to questions they may deem to be uninformed
because the BBC is ‘not on the ground’.
Furthermore, while a combative attitude to the global media
may have helped in the past, it does not help Zimbabwe’s cause now.  Given the fact that he was interviewed from
Johannesburg, South Africa, he should have taken a cue from the fact that
barely a week after that country’s general election, the ANC political leaders
have had a conciliatory tone toward the media. Or if they have grudges, they
still manage to focus on their specific issues, despite the arrogance that a resounding
victory may permit. 
Perhaps Mr. Mandiwanzira wanted to be seen as an able ‘handler’
of the BBC on behalf of his own party. Given the fact that he is a political leader
in some sort of ascendancy in Zanu Pf, he would be better advised to ‘take it
again from the top- and this time, calmly’.

*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

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Takura Zhangazha