Political Impediments that have inhibited the realization of Media Reforms in Zimbabwe.

Presentation to the Radio
Dialogue-Bulawayo Agenda Civic Society Consultative Meeting.
Date: December 15, 2011
Political Impediments that have inhibited the realization of Media Reforms in
Takura Zhangazha.
topic that I have been asked to make a presentation on, while it infers a
direct analysis of the policies of the inclusive government in Zimbabwe, it
remains a matter that must be of utmost concern to every single Zimbabwean. I
make this immediate assertion in order to emphasize that the key issues around
media freedom and media reform in Zimbabwe are all derived from the Article 20
of Zimbabwe’s constitution which gives all of us that right to receive and
impart information. Indeed there are what have been generally described as
undemocratic limitations to this section (public health, national security

But the key point in my observation and in relation to this important
topic that I have been asked to present, is that this right to receive and
impart information  has existed since our
national independence in 1980 and therefore it is a right that precedes as
well  as surpasses the Global Political
Agreement of 2008.

is from this fundamental premise that I wish to examine the topic in question.
I am sure that the conveners of this conference have a particular urgency in
seeking to understand the political impediments that have inhibited the
realization of democratic media reform in Zimbabwe. 

This urgency would be one
that has emerged in the context of the processes around the licensing of free
to air national radio broadcasting licences by the Broadcasting Authority of
Zimbabwe (BAZ). The controversy has been about the legality of BAZ as well as
various perceptions around the companies that have been awarded the licenses. As
recently as Tuesday 13 December 2011, the matter has taken a further political
twist with MDC-T members of parliament moving a motion that these licenses be
rescinded altogether. So as it is, there is limited reason to assume that there
will be collective resolution within the inclusive government  of the emerging contestations around broadcast
media reform as was seen with the print media.  

broadly spoken for and within our current political context, the issue of democratic
media reform in Zimbabwe is one that is generally misunderstood by our
political leaders in the inclusive government. Initial evidence of this
misunderstanding was demonstrated during the negotiations that led to the
formation of the inclusive government. During these negotiations, there were
amendments that were made to the Broadcasting Services Act (BSA) and the Access
to Information and Protection of Privacy Act (AIPPA) in what some negotiators
called ‘necessary compromises. 
however did not define the extent of the necessity of these compromises in
direct relation to the enjoyment of the right of the people of Zimbabwe to
receive and impart information.  Instead
the issue focused on getting concessions that largely included the participation
of parliament and eventually, in the aftermath of the appointment of the Prime
Minister of Zimbabwe, the same particular office into the appointment processes
of various persons to become commissioners or board members of BAZ and of the
better advice from civil society players, the political parties of that time
and of present day chose the path of looking at media reform from a highly
politicized perspective as opposed to one that takes into account the right of
the people to receive and impart information. 
In this too, the political players made the grievous political mistake
of assuming media freedom to be a privilege and therefore not a right. And the
end product of this approach has been the maintenance of laws that criminalize
freedom of expression via AIPPA, POSA and read with both these acts the
Criminal Law (Codification and Reform) Act. 
some might argue that within the context of the inclusive government , it is
one political party more than others that has persistently undermined media
reform. I would not necessarily disagree with that point because since our national
independence it is indeed Zanu Pf that has yielded the executive authority that
comes with government all of the time. But in the aftermath of the GPA and
formation of the inclusive government itself, it is evident that a key
political impediment to media reform has been found in two particular
components of the policy approaches of government actors and political leaders.
These are: 

An incremental approach to media reform
b) A
politically expedient  lack of knowledge
and understanding (either deliberate or non-deliberate) of the media, media
freedom and freedom of expression by policy makers.
first point is self explanatory in the sense that it is apparent that any form
of media reform has been slow and highly politicized. This is true in relation
to changes in legal and policy frameworks. A tacit example of this is the
decision to not only retain the Zimbabwe Media Commission (ZMC) and AIPPA, BSA,
albeit with slightly different terms of reference, but with greater roles and
influence (e.g. the ZMC is now a constitutional commission).   

Further to this, the inclusive government has
fought over the people that sit on media related constitutional and statutory
boards more than they have sought  a
holistic and fundamental democratization of our media policies and media
environment . This is a particularly telling point because it re-affirms the
‘politics of benevolence’ that now informs the approach of government to the
issue of freedom of expression. 

second point I refer to is that of a lack of knowledge or understanding  of the media by government on media issues.
This lack of knowledge is not because the knowledge does not exist or that
policy makers do not have access to it. Instead it is based more on matters to
do with political expediency and a desire to maintain some sort of hegemonic
presence via control of the media by all political parties in the inclusive

This was initially demonstrated through the amendments to media
laws and the maintenance of the criminalization of freedom of expression curing
the negotiations that led to the GPA and the formation of the inclusive
government. Even in the aftermath of that there has been a tendency by
government in its collective responsibility element to continue with processes
that are inimical to democratic media reform such as arrests of journalists,
media freedom activists as well as limited progress in the diversification and
editorial independence of the media.

final political impediment to the key national question of media reform is also
to found in those, like me, who are activists in the struggle for media
freedom. We have tended to be too subservient to the incremental and sometimes
partisan interests of those in power. And this has included over-compromising
on what are democratic media freedom principles in the hope that we will gain
the ear of government or those that have vested interests in the same, be they
international donors, business interests or partisan political considerations. We have occasionally lost sight of the goal and in the process  have tended to have to react to events after
their occurrence.

would however be necessary to conclude by providing a way forward framework.
There must be a consistent understanding on our part that media freedom is not
a privilege but a right as enshrined in Section 20 of Zimbabwe’s constitution,
Article 9 of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights and Article 19 of
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It is this fundamental point that
must inform how we approach any strategic way forward.

We must not over
compromise on this principle, and this is one of the main reasons why
organizations such as the Voluntary Media Council of Zimbabwe  (VMCZ) continue to exist. At the VMCZ we have
been asked many questions as to why we are not asking to be members of the ZMC
and our reply is that we do not believe in being complicit in the
criminalization of the journalistic profession. 

And also  because while it may have seemed convenient
in the euphoria of the early stages of the GPA, we remained focused on the
democratic value of freedom of expression. The challenge therefore over the
Christmas holidays is to review, reframe, re-strategise re-struggle ourselves
back to the platform of democratic value and democratic principle.


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