Remarks at St Ignatius College June 2013 Prize Giving Ceremony

St Ignatius College Chishawasha, 02 June 2013 Prize Giving Ceremony
Remarks by Takura Zhangazha. 

Representatives of the Ministry of
Education, Sports and Culture,
Father Phiri SJ, Rector of St
Ignatius College
Chairperson of the School
Development Committee
The Headmaster and Teaching Staff
Parents and Guardians
Administrative and Non Teaching
The School Captain, Head Girl,  Prefecture and Sporting Team, Association
Captains and Leaders
Colleagues, Comrades and Friends
Let me begin by thanking Fr Phiri,
Father Rector of St Ignatius College, the School Development Committee, the
Headmaster, Mr Madyangove, for extending an invitation to me to attend and be guest of honour
at this important prize giving ceremony of this esteemed college and
institution of learning.  As a former
student of St Ignatius College, I am particularly aware of the importance of
this event and prize giving ceremony not only because of the recognition that
it gives to the sterling work done by parents, teachers, students and teaching staff
over and about academic excellence.
 I must however confess to not having
received as many prizes as my then fellow students who are largely now in the
Diaspora either south of the Limpopo River or across oceans in Europe, north America
and elsewhere.  
However, I am also happy to report
back to this important gathering that my generation of former students in
tandem with the words Ad  Maiorem Dei Gloriam
(AMDG), has to the greater extent  remained
true to working for the greater glory of God and our collective Zimbabwean
society. This, in the various disclipines that we have invariably pursued both
as result of the learning that we received here and furthered elsewhere. 
Indeed it has been a long time
since I last sat in the last rows of St Francis Xavier classes from form one to
four, and the arts section of the lower and upper sixth block. Time has also
passed since I used to go to Mary Ward for what we referred to as ‘see me’ time
What has however remained indelible
in my mind and I am sure in the minds of my then classmates (some of whom
might  be here today in their capacity as
parents/guardians) is the veritable truth that we were brought up on the values
and principles of St Ignatius College, AMDG. I am therefore a son/child of this
college. And for this I am grateful to my parents who saw it fit that I become
a student here. Gratitude must also be extended to the teachers and all of the
Jesuit and Mary Ward clerics that moulded us into not only academics but
believers in the goodness of mankind and the imperative of contributing to the
betterment of the societies in which we live. 
And back in the 90s we used to have
a song that we used to sing in praise both of the college as well as our
teachers. It was in Shona and titled, ‘Pamusoro pegomo panotenderera dzidzo’ ( translated
to mean; ‘knowledge circulates on the mountaintop’). It’s a song that we used
to sing with gusto on Parents Days. And again, as with all parents days, it was
also sung in order to demonstrate our gratitude for the replenishment of our
‘tuck’ by our parents and guardians. 
But I must depart from my nostalgic
ruminations and focus on the contemporary successes and challenges that the
college celebrates or confronts respectively. 
Over the years I am aware that the running of the college has been a
difficult task. I am aware that keeping it afloat has been a challenging task
and due to the reduction of government support to education across the country,
the bulk of the burden of running the college has fallen onto the shoulders of
parents/guardians and the Church. It is a task for which we must thank all
stakeholders who have  worked hard to keep
St Ignatius College up and running in these most trying of economic
But even in these trying times we
must always demonstrate conscientiousness, hope and belief that  through the hard work and commitment of all
stakeholders, circumstances can and must get better.  Our optimism however must not be the stuff of
dreams but of conscientious reality. I know that for most former students like
myself, we tend to want to remember the college only when our own sons and
daughters are either looking for places to study or we are involved in business
that reminds us of market economics.
We need to revisit such a framework
and demonstrate not only our gratitude but also our commitment to the values
espoused by this institution by reviving our alumni association to make it more
responsive to the needs of the college. With the necessary information availed
to me and to my colleagues as former students, I pledge to participate in such
a process and in collaboration with the current leadership of St Ignatius
Let me also turn to our parents who
are here present. I am firmly aware of the difficult task it is to bring up
children in difficult economic circumstances. My advice would be that parents,
through the SDA must remain sensitive to the plight of other families. I say
this because I remember a story that appeared in one of the newspapers last
year. It was a story in which when a parent was asked about matters relating to
payment of school fees, he replied in what I consider a rather callous manner
and in accusation of other parents, ‘ if they do not have the money they should
not bring their children to this school.’ I am glad to inform parents here
present that this statement did not come from a parent at a Catholic or Jesuit
It is however a statement that made
me remember that there are so many challenges facing parents and guardians at
the moment that sometimes we may lose sight of the values and principles of St
Ignatius College which would include empathy, not pity, for the difficult
circumstances others may face.  Like the
students here present, parents too are a community not only in relation to
attending the calendar events of their children but also in relation to keeping
the spirit and intentions of the motto Ignem Mtite in Terram alive not only for
their children but in relation to the school, in and of itself. 
“Setting the
world on fire” with ideas  is not just
the obligation of the students who pass through the college, it is also the
obligation of parents, guardians, teachers and non academic staff.
I mention the teachers and the non
academic staff because they too are here to serve not only on the basis of
assisting the students acquire the necessary academic qualifications but to
grow the latter into people centered leaders in Zimbabwean society. And I will
give an example of how I was personally molded into a people centered leader by
Brother Fitz SJ, who advised us to assist the children of St Catherines in
Newlands, Harare.  We used to sell
freezits every weekend to raise money in order to purchase footballs and other
learning based paraphernalia for the comrades at the same special school. 
Brother Fitz was at that time the
bursar of the college, and apart from receiving notices from him concerning
school fees, we learnt to view Zimbabwean society holistically. At that time,
and I hope it remains the same today, we were taught by Brother Fitz that our
education was not solely about the returns we got from Cambridge or Zimsec, but
also about the society in which we live in. I must add that I also learnt some
of my leadership skills from Br. Fitz SJ who was not only particular to a point
but also taught me direct accountability through holding Annual General
Meetings and keeping the finances in check for what we then referred to as the
Young Christian Society
But in any event we are gathered
here for the students and it is to them that I return to in this address. As I
mentioned earlier in this address, I am a son of St Ignatius College by way of
the decision of my parents to bring my elder brother, Fidelis Zhangazha, and I
here. I am grateful they made that decision.
I remember the cross country races
via Donhodzo, the football matches with St Peter Claver and the discos with our
sisters at St Dominic’s Secondary School (particularly the slow tracks).
I also remember the special dinners
we used to have particularly when Mudhara Harrison was the head cook on the
silver jubilee of the College when the term ‘chitunha’ became so popular it
made us salivate every time it was mentioned.
I am aware of the academic
challenges and pressures that are faced by the students here present and those
that will come after you. I remember the notice board at the beginning of the
term, and how it was a ‘who’s who’ of the top ten in each class or alternatively
an assessment of who was going to make it to university. A lot of years have
passed since then. The universities are now many, and sometimes the
professional aspirations are now ambiguous. But it remains important that you
establish and work towards the attainment of your dreams to be an engineer, a
journalist, a teacher, a medical doctor, an accountant (like my brother) a
business person and/or a priest, nun like those who have assisted us thus far.
In pursuing your dreams be careful not to get waylaid by the fashionable issues
of the day.
I say this because back in the day
we used to watch MTV, and also try and reinvent ourselves in the image of Will
Smith especially after his extremely popular ‘Fresh Prince of Bel Air’ TV
series. We used to watch it in what was then referred to as the ‘Common Room’
or ‘TV Room’ on video cassette recorder. Some of us got carried away. We
thought so long as we were watching the television, our parents will always
look after us, even if we failed to meet our academic challenges.  Or even if we met them, we always wanted to
leave Zimbabwe and claim academic and sporting excellence in other people’s
The lesson that I have personally
learnt, with the benefit of hindsight,  especially when I meet my St Ignatius College
graduates, is that we should never forget the society in which we were brought
up. Both by way of this college and also by way of the country in which we
live. As an alumni of this college, my firmest advice given what I have seen
and experienced in the aftermath of my gratefully qualifying for university is
that while the world may be a difficult terrain to navigate,  it remains a terrain that can be conquered
within the context of the values of St Ignatius of Loyola and St Mary
In your studies, social activities
and in respecting the aspirations of your parents on your behalf, please be
cognizant of the society you live in and seek always to contribute to its
improvement. Even if you are in form one, always keep in mind the end game of your
education. An end game which relates to excelling  academically and socially.
Apart from making sure you strive
to pass your academic exams, also pass your social ones. Join the chess club,
the football, cross country, swimming, basketball, volleyball and netball
teams. In doing so be conscious of the tremendous sacrifices your parents/guardians
are making for you to not only be at this special institution but also in
relation to your brothers and sisters who may be at other schools/universities  in the country.
In doing all of this, do not forget
your shared academic, social and political environment. Next time you are on
holiday always remember to thank God and to respect your parents for the tremendous
sacrifices that they make for you to be here and for you to exist and continue
to exist. Also remember that all those of other schools and students that you
will compete with are your fellow Zimbabweans and while you will challenge and
compete with each other you shall most certainly meet in the cauldron that is
Zimbabwean society.
But above all, follow your dreams,
believe in them and pursue them to the very end. I had dreams of being a
recognized person for the common good in relation to my field. I am still
pursuing these same said dreams and Insh Allah, I will achieve them.
Let me conclude my remarks by
congratulating all of those that are recipients of awards today. I will also
conclude by quoting the entirety of my favourite Catholic saints prayer. It is
a prayer from St Francis of Assisi.
It is one that I hope that most of
the persons here present will recall or will adhere to. And I must again
confess to being very happy that the new Pope is of the same persuasion.
Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
Lord, make me an instrument
of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness,
and where there is sadness, joy.
O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen
I thank you.

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Takura Zhangazha