Second Act, Scene 2, Zim War Vets in Zanu Pf Succession Politics




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By Takura Zhangazha*
Recent media reports in the last week indicate that President
Mugabe continues to have key differences with one of his key pillars of
support, the veterans of Zimbabwe’s liberation war.  He has accused them, in part at least, of seeking
to function outside of their mandate within the ruling Zanu Pf party. 
Especially where and when statements officially 
attributed to them indicated that they support one of the current vice
presidents, Emerson Mnangagwa,  as their chosen successor to their party’s leadership.   
The president also made what I consider to be regrettable references
to that most tragic period of Zimbabwean post independence history that has now
come to be commonly referred to as the Gukurahundi It was a period in which thousands of civilians
in the southern parts of our country lost their lives in a civil  war that remains officially unexplained.  
The statements attributed to the president have not come out
of thin air with regard to the factionalism that is within the ruling party.
They occur against a backdrop in which the war veterans have had their current
chairman removed not only from cabinet but also from any roles within the party.  This after their
demonstration was crushed by the police as well as after an indaba they had with their patron, Mugabe, who
appears to not be on their side.  
And its all about succession in the ruling party for sure.  On that, the mainstream Zimbabwean and
global media is correct.  Even if they
spin it a little bit.  There, as is said in
British parlance, no smoke without fire. 
From the dismissal of the former Vice President Mujuru through to that
of their current chairperson, Chris Mutsvangwa from government, theirs’ remains
a struggle for influence based on what they consider their historical
contribution to the liberation struggle and by dint of the same, retention of
key pillars of state power.  

It is also a narrative that suits the interests of war
veterans, particularly those that were part of  the phase
where and when the struggle became most militarized. 
This majority  batch of comrades feel
they have not been given enough recognition for what they consider their
efforts in not only fighting for liberation but also for protecting and keeping the
ruling party in power in post independent Zimbabwe.

Even if they were given the War Victims Compensation Fund which
was to be riddled with allegations of corruption and cronyism, they still feel
they have a stake in the politics of the country and in direct relation to the
ruling party, its nationalist discourse and its claim to not only  liberation struggle history but also its victory.  This is despite the fact that they have varied definitions of what
complete victory has meant and continues to mean.Or even what their roles in civilian politics should be.

What is important to note is that the war veterans are
rallying together in order to follow their own understanding of sequential acquisition
of power within a state they virulently claim to have finally established.  
From a personal perspective, I am
persuaded that they tend to exhibit a characteristic of entitlement to the state.
It is therefore least likely
they will  be open minded about succession in the ruling party.  They have what can be considered as a sequential approach to leadership
recognition or succession.  They look at the history of their party and argue that it is now time for at least someone who was at the war-front to get closer to assuming political power.   It is their historical
expectation.   By way of their own
perceived and real sacrifices for the liberation of the country.  
In this they were never going to be selfless.  Even though it is few of their ilk that have benefited from state largesse.  The greater
majority still, even after the fast track land reform program do not have
access to basic humanitarian needs let alone post war palliative care.  
The only catch with the still living war veterans is that
they are in no way desperate.  Instead they
appear determined and are
intent on holding their own.  They will
fight, at least metaphorically, their own corner.  And in so far as they have retained a continued
control of levers of state security, a few ministries in government and the
greater part of the ruling party’s political campaign machinery (by way of  political cultural habit), they still seek to
claim greater control. Especially if you place controversial electoral
victories since 2000 into the equation.  
The sad truth to it all is that their own nationalist
and liberation struggle legacies may be lost in the midst of their cutthroat ambition
for state power.  It is their own sons and daughters, myself included, who will without a
doubt ask more questions than they can democratically give answers. Moreso given the fact that
democracy and the liberation struggle will always be historically intertwined.   Even
if they wanted to wish democracy away.  
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

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Takura Zhangazha