By Takura Zhangazha*
There are already a plethora of political candidates and ‘parties’
for Zimbabwe’s 2018 harmonised election.
Whether they be offshoots of the ruling Zanu Pf party or its main opponent
the MDC-T, nascent parties and independent candidates they make for a cacophony
of political ambitions and interests. And I guess in relation to the values of what
would be a democracy, ‘the more, the merrier’.
This is despite what colleagues and comrades in what was the post 1990s
struggle for a social democratic Zimbabwe might call a division of the opposition
vote against the ruling establishment.
for Zimbabwe’s 2018 harmonised election.
Whether they be offshoots of the ruling Zanu Pf party or its main opponent
the MDC-T, nascent parties and independent candidates they make for a cacophony
of political ambitions and interests. And I guess in relation to the values of what
would be a democracy, ‘the more, the merrier’.
This is despite what colleagues and comrades in what was the post 1990s
struggle for a social democratic Zimbabwe might call a division of the opposition
vote against the ruling establishment.
In reality and in terms of current Zimbabwean law (and also
if all these individuals/parties manage to pay nomination court fees) all of
these political competitors have the right to campaign for elected office. And the
positions are many. Zimbabweans will be
voting for a president, constituency members of the House of Assembly, women’s
quota representatives in the House of Assembly, proportional vote members of the
senate and local government councilors.
All at once.
if all these individuals/parties manage to pay nomination court fees) all of
these political competitors have the right to campaign for elected office. And the
positions are many. Zimbabweans will be
voting for a president, constituency members of the House of Assembly, women’s
quota representatives in the House of Assembly, proportional vote members of the
senate and local government councilors.
All at once.
One can only wish all of the aspiring candidates all the
best. And also wish the electorate all
the strength and patience to choose their preferred candidates with the caution
that is required of democratic values.
best. And also wish the electorate all
the strength and patience to choose their preferred candidates with the caution
that is required of democratic values.
It would however do no harm to also provide some guidelines to
those that would aspire to lead the country in the national executive
(presidency), Parliament (House of Assembly and Senate) and local government (rural
and urban councils).
those that would aspire to lead the country in the national executive
(presidency), Parliament (House of Assembly and Senate) and local government (rural
and urban councils).
I posit here a seven point summary of issues that candidates
across the spectrum must take into account.
across the spectrum must take into account.
1. Ideas/Ideology/ Values Matter: There is no political, social or economic
action in contemporary times that occurs without an initial idea or value proposition. It is how we derive meaning from the intentions
of those that are seeking political office.
Especially by asking basic questions as to why do you want power over
us? What is the big issue/problem? How do you intend to systematically address
it? At the moment there is one overall issue/problem that has been
pre-occupying a lot of Zimbabweans though from different levels of
perception/understanding. And this would
be the long duree issue of the state of the ‘national’ economy. The solution/idea being proffered by the main
presidential candidates and parties is, to my own personal regret,
neo-liberalism/free market economics.
Never mind promises about either the ‘ease of doing business’ or ‘bullet trains’ and ‘free wifi’ , the
underlying idea/ideology is to reduce the role of the state in providing
basic services for its people. The intention is to privatize the state. Both economically and politically. Almost as
an unbecoming alliance between those who
have political power and those that have money.
It would help greatly if any one of the aspiring candidates could/would
proffer a people centered alternative.
action in contemporary times that occurs without an initial idea or value proposition. It is how we derive meaning from the intentions
of those that are seeking political office.
Especially by asking basic questions as to why do you want power over
us? What is the big issue/problem? How do you intend to systematically address
it? At the moment there is one overall issue/problem that has been
pre-occupying a lot of Zimbabweans though from different levels of
perception/understanding. And this would
be the long duree issue of the state of the ‘national’ economy. The solution/idea being proffered by the main
presidential candidates and parties is, to my own personal regret,
neo-liberalism/free market economics.
Never mind promises about either the ‘ease of doing business’ or ‘bullet trains’ and ‘free wifi’ , the
underlying idea/ideology is to reduce the role of the state in providing
basic services for its people. The intention is to privatize the state. Both economically and politically. Almost as
an unbecoming alliance between those who
have political power and those that have money.
It would help greatly if any one of the aspiring candidates could/would
proffer a people centered alternative.
2. Campaigning with Organised/ Structured
Support Systems is Key: Populism is
always a key component of electoral campaigns.
It really helps. But whats more significant
is an organized political base from which to arrive at popular/populist
appeal. In Zimbabwean parlance this is
generally referred to as ‘grassroots’.
In realist terms this would be referred to as organized membership. That
is, supporters who feel they belong to either the campaign (especially if you
are an independent candidate) or the party (if you are campaigning from any one
of the mainstream political parties). Campaign
or party members desire to belong to a cause that’s not just time bound but
also value-driven. With the latter being
the most important. Almost as though
they were contributing to a faith. Where political contestants ensure that
their supporters/party members have a greater role and also participate in
leadership decisions, they will most likely win an election. Or if they don’t
they can at least work on improving their chances with organic supporters for
the next electoral contest.
Support Systems is Key: Populism is
always a key component of electoral campaigns.
It really helps. But whats more significant
is an organized political base from which to arrive at popular/populist
appeal. In Zimbabwean parlance this is
generally referred to as ‘grassroots’.
In realist terms this would be referred to as organized membership. That
is, supporters who feel they belong to either the campaign (especially if you
are an independent candidate) or the party (if you are campaigning from any one
of the mainstream political parties). Campaign
or party members desire to belong to a cause that’s not just time bound but
also value-driven. With the latter being
the most important. Almost as though
they were contributing to a faith. Where political contestants ensure that
their supporters/party members have a greater role and also participate in
leadership decisions, they will most likely win an election. Or if they don’t
they can at least work on improving their chances with organic supporters for
the next electoral contest.
3. Social Media Matters but it is Not Enough: The use of social media has had a phenomenal impact
on Zimbabweans ability to receive and impart information. And this means that it will be key in
determining ephemeral political perceptions by voters on various candidates especially
in our cities and peri-urban areas. In
our context , it is however only effective if it is tied to organized/structured
mobilization in real time.
on Zimbabweans ability to receive and impart information. And this means that it will be key in
determining ephemeral political perceptions by voters on various candidates especially
in our cities and peri-urban areas. In
our context , it is however only effective if it is tied to organized/structured
mobilization in real time.
4. Age Matters but (again) is Not Enough: There is much that has been said about the
age of registered voters. And indeed there are a lot more young voters than before for the 2018 election. But they too have issues beyond their
age. They include but are not limited to
unemployment, education, health and entertainment. Those of the plus 45 bracket
also have their issues which include pensions, housing, health and ironically,
their children’s future. Either way,
what matters the most, despite age difference is political consciousness of what
are perceived to be key issues and how they can be resolved.
age of registered voters. And indeed there are a lot more young voters than before for the 2018 election. But they too have issues beyond their
age. They include but are not limited to
unemployment, education, health and entertainment. Those of the plus 45 bracket
also have their issues which include pensions, housing, health and ironically,
their children’s future. Either way,
what matters the most, despite age difference is political consciousness of what
are perceived to be key issues and how they can be resolved.
5. Women’s Issues
Will be Key: Given the demographic data
put out by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) anyone who has an intention
to be in political office will have to address women’s issues. Be they in relation to women’s
representation, equality or health and employment. This is because the greater
number of voters in 2018 are female (young and old). And they are probably the most reliable. Once
their minds are made up.
Will be Key: Given the demographic data
put out by the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC) anyone who has an intention
to be in political office will have to address women’s issues. Be they in relation to women’s
representation, equality or health and employment. This is because the greater
number of voters in 2018 are female (young and old). And they are probably the most reliable. Once
their minds are made up.
6. The Presidency is won by the one with the
most fielded candidates: The term ‘harmonised’
election is telling. It means that there
are 5 posts up for electoral grabs. Namely
the presidency, house of assembly (womens quota and constituency member),
senate (proportional representation) and local government (council). The party or individual candidate that has
the most fielded candidates is likely to add to his/her tally for the presidential
vote. Its awkward but it points to an
assumption of symmetry to those aspiring for office. That is to say one cannot hope to be president
without support from candidates running for all the other
positions. That’s how the ruling
establishment changed the dynamics of the 2013 harmonised election. And how they will likely try do so again.
most fielded candidates: The term ‘harmonised’
election is telling. It means that there
are 5 posts up for electoral grabs. Namely
the presidency, house of assembly (womens quota and constituency member),
senate (proportional representation) and local government (council). The party or individual candidate that has
the most fielded candidates is likely to add to his/her tally for the presidential
vote. Its awkward but it points to an
assumption of symmetry to those aspiring for office. That is to say one cannot hope to be president
without support from candidates running for all the other
positions. That’s how the ruling
establishment changed the dynamics of the 2013 harmonised election. And how they will likely try do so again.
7. The Military and War Veterans Cannot be
Wished Away: This is a final and regrettable
point. But its our reality. The ruling establishment has positioned
itself as a military-political complex.
China style (tellingly the President is on a state visit to the same country). Those in opposition to the establishment have
to take this into account especially after the coup-not-a-coup events of 15
November 2017. And they have to prove
themselves more people centered in their political ambitions than ever before,
simplistic as that may appear. This includes a counter narrative to the
liberation struggle, not as a political negative but an historical struggle that
requires a new national political narrative that surpasses entitlement (vene vacho).
Wished Away: This is a final and regrettable
point. But its our reality. The ruling establishment has positioned
itself as a military-political complex.
China style (tellingly the President is on a state visit to the same country). Those in opposition to the establishment have
to take this into account especially after the coup-not-a-coup events of 15
November 2017. And they have to prove
themselves more people centered in their political ambitions than ever before,
simplistic as that may appear. This includes a counter narrative to the
liberation struggle, not as a political negative but an historical struggle that
requires a new national political narrative that surpasses entitlement (vene vacho).
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity
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