The Bulawayo Rally Explosion: Reflecting, Remaining True to a National Democratic Course

 By Takura Zhangazha*
The tragic bomb blast in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe  on the weekend of 23 July 2018
at a Zanu Pf rally made one pause for deep reflection on the state of our
national (Zimbabwean) politics.  While expressing deep
shock and sadness at the lives that were lost and those that were injured by the terrible incident, we
can only hope that this or anything similar to it will never happen again. Either during this electoral period or anytime afterward.  In any circumstances. 

We do not yet know the motivation for what Vice President
Chiwenga referred to as a ‘terrorist act’. 
And correctly so, all opposition political parties worth their national
salt have condemned this terrible act. 
While the security services are still investigating it and without any
remit to make further comment on this tragic incident, all Zimbabweans must
seek to rise above it. 

There will be and already are many stories that point to various
conspiracies about what could have been the motivation for such an attack. 

And Zimbabwean social media (domestic and Diaspora controlled) has fuelled
these conspiracies further.  Either by
way of genuine speculation or attempts at conspiratorial attention seeking or
This to the extent of political party leaders (at varying
levels) beginning to mix up official perspectives on the tragedy with personal
opinion on social media.  And in some
cases doing the same in the mainstream media.  

But I am persuaded that all Zimbabweans, especially those that
are voters and even those that would want to be elected political leaders from
various political persuasions, for all their faults and views on this matter,
would want the country to proceed to never veer from its, faults and all, electoral culture. Even if their interests and reasons for doing
so are entirely personal.   Or about
their own political ambitions. 

There is always however a need for all of us to pause and reflect on our national political culture, the motivation(s) of our
political leaders, parties and activists in their pursuit of political power.    

In this, we must move forward beyond loyalties to political
individuals and a loyalty to political values that connote more democratic
meaning and a pursuit of national democratic posterity. By the latter I mean that we must undertake
our political activism less for the moment and more for a true democratic meaning beyond our own lives, lifestyles and personal experiences. 
While the events of November 2017 with the ‘military intervention’/ ‘coup-not-a-coup’  that spawned them remain an eyesore of our politics,
(it never had to happen but it did), we have to chart a new national democratic culture and course.  And this is one that must rise above the long standing  succession dynamics of the ruling
party that got regrettably played out onto
the national political stage. 

But we deal the hand we are dealt with.  Both by default and by way of our own popular
misunderstanding of what happened or, now, in the aftermath of the Bulawayo
incident, what we remain on tenterhooks about what should by now be a straight
forward electoral process. 
In avoiding the conspiracies, one has to discuss what would
be the country’s political future.  That
future should be underpinned by an immediate and direct abhorrence of
politically motivated violence.  In whatever
form.  And it must value the lives of
every Zimbabwean regardless of their political hue beyond political slogans, persuasions
and loyalties. 

But our levels of national and democratic political
consciousness are worrying.  Especially
in the aftermath of the Bulawayo national tragedy. 

At the risk of sounding repetitive, we need to rise above
such terrible acts and continue to create a deeper democratic meaning to our national
politics.  From those that would claim ownership
of ‘Operation Restore Legacy’ through to those that would talk of ‘Generation 40′ and others still of ‘Generational Consensus’ and others whose ‘mantra’s or dictums’ are not yet clear, the issue
that they must be reminded of is that they do not lead for themselves.   They lead for others and they set precedents
of the nature of our future democratic politics as led by younger comrades who
may not have as much patience as they would have.  Either based on experience or on long term political
ambitions.  Individual or

So it’s a good thing that the Zimbabwean government has committed
itself to ensuring that elections are held as scheduled on Monday 30 July
2018.   But not only for the purposes of
assumptions of personal electoral victories. But more for the purposes of
proving that our nascent functional democracy begins to work beyond individual political
ambition, pursuits of power for its own sake but more for constructing a new
democratic culture that shuns altogether political violence in whatever form
and respects the sanctity of human life. 
No matter the differences of political opinion and political grudges of the

As the legendary Zimbabwean musician Thomas Mapfumo once
sang, ‘Hondo isu takairamba kare’( we refused acts of war a long time ago.)  We
should  look to the future and while acknowledging
the past, seek better democratic solutions to the latter’s after effects.   With
better people centered democratic ideas, contexts and a better politics that
has nothing to do with politically motivated violence.
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

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Takura Zhangazha