*By Takura Zhangazha
The Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting
Services, Professor Jonathan Moyo has announced, with a little bit of drama,
that he is now going to be directly using social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. Just in case he tweets that his announcement was without drama, it would be useful to point out that his joining the
social media bandwagon has very little to do with the ‘Arab Spring’.
Services, Professor Jonathan Moyo has announced, with a little bit of drama,
that he is now going to be directly using social media platforms Facebook and Twitter. Just in case he tweets that his announcement was without drama, it would be useful to point out that his joining the
social media bandwagon has very little to do with the ‘Arab Spring’.
To the owners of the applications, he is probably
a great marketing addition to their statistical value vis-à-vis what they
probably consider to be a relatively small Zimbabwean market.
a great marketing addition to their statistical value vis-à-vis what they
probably consider to be a relatively small Zimbabwean market.
For keen social media users, both in the Diaspora and at
home, this will be viewed as a chance to get in touch or probably just monitor
his accounts to know about his personal views or government policies.
home, this will be viewed as a chance to get in touch or probably just monitor
his accounts to know about his personal views or government policies.
There are however a number of striking ironies to his
actions. The most glaring one is that in
general, the minister presides over a censored state controlled media. Particularly
where it comes to the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and the stock exchange
listed Zimbabwe Newspapers Group (Zimpapers). Very few stories of dissenting voices are carried by these two media houses. In the case of the ZBC no opposition rally, meeting or press conference has ever been carried live withe on radio or television. Yet the minister responsible for them has taken to these new media platforms
that function largely without direct and evident censorship.
actions. The most glaring one is that in
general, the minister presides over a censored state controlled media. Particularly
where it comes to the Zimbabwe Broadcasting Corporation (ZBC) and the stock exchange
listed Zimbabwe Newspapers Group (Zimpapers). Very few stories of dissenting voices are carried by these two media houses. In the case of the ZBC no opposition rally, meeting or press conference has ever been carried live withe on radio or television. Yet the minister responsible for them has taken to these new media platforms
that function largely without direct and evident censorship.
This is not to say he has no right to be there. He very much
does both in terms of his constitutional right to express himself, access
information and associate with whoever he wishes to. The only catch is that he is responsible for
the media in cabinet and with limited little to show by way of reforming it to
allow the greater majority of Zimbabweans to enjoy those rights that he will
most certainly have on Facebook and Twitter.
This is more ironic in that even if he were to claim that government
controlled media has editorial independence, it has not demonstrated so under
his current tenure.
does both in terms of his constitutional right to express himself, access
information and associate with whoever he wishes to. The only catch is that he is responsible for
the media in cabinet and with limited little to show by way of reforming it to
allow the greater majority of Zimbabweans to enjoy those rights that he will
most certainly have on Facebook and Twitter.
This is more ironic in that even if he were to claim that government
controlled media has editorial independence, it has not demonstrated so under
his current tenure.
Or if alternatively he were to argue that reforming the
mainstream and still much more influential media is work in progress, indications
are that government is not keen on same said reform. Ditto the cabinet ambiguity
over criminalization of freedom of expression. And initial ruling party
resistance to the Information and Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) that he
appointed last year.
mainstream and still much more influential media is work in progress, indications
are that government is not keen on same said reform. Ditto the cabinet ambiguity
over criminalization of freedom of expression. And initial ruling party
resistance to the Information and Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) that he
appointed last year.
The jury may still be out on the latter panel until its
report is made public but the continued state control over the media can only
indicate that whatever its recommendations, government will still have a
benevolent attitude toward media freedom. Especially where it concerns the state media
and criminalization of journalism.
report is made public but the continued state control over the media can only
indicate that whatever its recommendations, government will still have a
benevolent attitude toward media freedom. Especially where it concerns the state media
and criminalization of journalism.
Apart from this particular irony of seeking to express
himself where others have had to resort to for lack of mainstream media options
under his purview, there is the fact of government
hostility toward new media technologies and ‘shadowy’ content or
himself where others have had to resort to for lack of mainstream media options
under his purview, there is the fact of government
hostility toward new media technologies and ‘shadowy’ content or
A continuing case before the courts is that of Sunday Mail editor, Edmund Kudzayi who is facing trial for alleged
involvement in the Facebook character, Baba Jukwa. It is a landmark one that will have far
reaching ramifications for users of social media in Zimbabwe. Not that the minister can change the Criminal
Law (Codification and Reform) Act without his principals consent, but one can
be forgiven for not missing the irony.
involvement in the Facebook character, Baba Jukwa. It is a landmark one that will have far
reaching ramifications for users of social media in Zimbabwe. Not that the minister can change the Criminal
Law (Codification and Reform) Act without his principals consent, but one can
be forgiven for not missing the irony.
Finally, an interesting take on this would be that
academic adage of the ‘medium is the message.’ While it is normal
for cabinet ministers the world over to have social media accounts and expand
their reach, a majority Zimbabwe’s government
ministers do not do so. In taking to
social media perhaps Professor J. Moyo is signifying a change in government
attitude or at least wishing for it. Even after he made comments about social media
‘malcontents’ in the wake President Mugabe’s recent and unfortunate ‘carpet mishap’.
academic adage of the ‘medium is the message.’ While it is normal
for cabinet ministers the world over to have social media accounts and expand
their reach, a majority Zimbabwe’s government
ministers do not do so. In taking to
social media perhaps Professor J. Moyo is signifying a change in government
attitude or at least wishing for it. Even after he made comments about social media
‘malcontents’ in the wake President Mugabe’s recent and unfortunate ‘carpet mishap’.
Government may be reluctantly moving from being regularly
dismayed, angry and repressive about the medium of the internet to accepting
the inevitability that it will inevitably form a key component of the holistic cultural
lifestyles of Zimbabweans. The medium has perhaps become the message. And it comes from those countries that our government regularly refers to as ‘imperialists.’ Either way, one can only wish him happy surfing!
dismayed, angry and repressive about the medium of the internet to accepting
the inevitability that it will inevitably form a key component of the holistic cultural
lifestyles of Zimbabweans. The medium has perhaps become the message. And it comes from those countries that our government regularly refers to as ‘imperialists.’ Either way, one can only wish him happy surfing!
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity (takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)
One response to “The Ironies of Professor Jonathan Moyo's Social Media 'Arrival'”
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