with members of your respected association this evening. The topic under discussion is very much
similar to that used by a journal that is published locally by the Media Institute
of Southern Africa (MISA Zimbabwe). It is titled ‘Thinking Beyond: Journal for Alternatives
for a Democratic Zimbabwe.’
journal was looked down upon by some within the pro-democracy movements in our
country. Mainly because it did not fawn
and favour individual personalities.
Instead it sought to critically examine the contemporary issues
affecting the struggle for democracy across the political spectrum and within
civil society.
An immediate question
that arises is what exactly are we thinking beyond and particularly
in Zimbabwe’s case for whom?
of the question, we are thinking beyond the immediate political, social
and economic challenges that our country faces and trying to place our everyday
actions into a broader inclusive social
democratic vision for our country.
action but have always been part of a multiplicity of coordinated actions that act in
tandem with a stated, accepted and publicly accepted vision of what the state
and the rights of its citizens should be. For examples of such a vision we would all be advised to cross check the Zimbabwe Peoples Charter of 2008.
Zimbabwe’s political, social and economic challenges.
national political leaders. That is not
to say we must say they are illegitimate or on the opposite end worship them in
cult like fashion.
instead would mean accepting not only their fallibility but assessing them on
their primary agenda and how it suits a social democratic future.
Especially where their contemporary actions
begin to sway even in minimal part from our commonly held vision of a democratic Zimbabwe. Because
leaders come and go, even where others overstay, but the country remains.
realm alone. It also applies to those that are in civil society, in the public
service and in part in the private sector, at least at management levels.
must measure each other and our leadership roles not by the manner in which we
distribute patronage but the progressive ideas and innovative ways that we make
our society progress to an inclusive social democratic future.
immediate needs.
And this in part is the
essence of a shared economic future. In
a number of forums we read about the term social contract largely as one that
is between the state, private capital and labour. We forget that we too as ordinary individuals
and citizens are part of that same said social contract.
must strive for a national economy in which each and every citizen is given a
fair start in order to live a decent life.
So we must ensure that our economy while promoting meritocracy,
individual and collective innovation, transparency and accountability, also fairly and equally provides health, education,
public transport, land and social welfare for all regardless of age, race or
that the national economy we inherited from the colonial and settler state was
essentially intended to serve the few as opposed to the many. It therefore needs to be democratized not in
the name of political opportunism but in order to establish an organic
tradition of the equitable distribution of basic wealth and welfare before we
all try to become merited millionaires.
more about the need to think beyond ourselves as specific generations and to stop
claiming easy victories when we should be thinking about passing on the baton
stick and sharing struggle knowledges and experiences.
Selfishly pursuing an agenda
without allowing younger comrades to take the lead in some aspects of our
politics and economics is to be blind to the need for struggle continuity, capacity building and newer innovative but conscious approaches.
contemporary events. The recent civil society, opposition protests and current factionalism in the ruling
party are important occurrences that must be analyzed with an eye on an
inclusive future for all of us.
immediacy of these aforementioned events does not mean we should not be careful
about defining the future Zimbabwe that we envision in the best democratic interest.
collective and individual democratic consciousness, examine where its lacking and strive
to understand how we must improve on it. In other words, while we are caught in somewhat exciting times our struggles consciousness must alyays be grounded on democratic principle and value more than it is informed by opportunism.
Indeed, social media consciousness
while being of the utmost importance, still needs to be defined by clearly
outlined ideas and visions. Otherwise it
will eventually always remain exactly that, social. Using the internet, normal books, greater
interaction with ordinary people, consulting each other across age, gender and class while avoiding political patronage, we will
better define and think on our collective
national and democratic future together.
capacity (takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)
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