Zim Media and Government's Sticks With Patriotic Carrots Method

 By Takura Zhangazha*
The recent threats to the media issued via the Minister of
Media, Information and Broadcasting Services(MIBS) Chris Mushowe are something I am sure every
journalist would prefer to wish away as mere politicking.  Not until the permanent secretary to the same
ministry, George Charamba also issued an acerbic warning to a journalist via tele-conversation. 

Picking up from where
his immediate boss had left off, he told journalist Elias Mambo of the Zimbabwe Independent newspaper that should the media continue to write unfavourable
stories about the security services, journalists would find themselves at the country’s
infamous Chikurubi maximum security prison. This, he continued,  while government would be searching for the
sources of the same said stories.

It is a threat that would obviously have a chilling effect on any
professional journalist.  Its implications
point to an arbitrary intention to imprison journalists both as punishment and
as a way of violating the journalistic principle of protection of sources. 
Some newspaper columnists, writing under pseudonyms, have
also added to the intimidating media environment by issuing stark warnings to
the private print media.  In these they
have made odd metaphorical references to the bible and the baiting of
crocodiles. In the process they give the impression that there is inevitability
to criminal censure of journalists that write in a manner that government finds
This would also explain the continued use of criminal defamation
laws to arrest editors, journalists and in the latest case, even a company secretary
of the Alpha Media Holdings company for publishing stories deemed to undermine
the security services or viewed as being ‘false’. 
The only surprising element is that these direct threats against
the media are occurring within the context of what would have been a new phase
for government- media relations in the aftermath of the state sponsored
Information and Media Panel of Inquiry (IMPI) report.  While the latter has its own on-going
controversies, it is increasingly evident that it has not been the much anticipated indication of a thawing of frosty relations between government and the mainstream media.
The statements from MIBS offcials  therefore demonstrate a number of intentions
that the media should consider with the utmost seriousness.  One being that any sort of honeymoon period
for  media-government relations is over. Where the carrot was used in IMPI, from now on it
appears the stick will be the engagement method of preference.
This in order to have the effect of indirect control of
media content, especially on news that government considers harmful to the national
Furthermore, the eventual intention is to crowd out the
private print media through creation of other multimedia platforms. This s
already being done in relation to broadcasting licenses (local commercial and
eventually community radios), the digitization processes currently underway,
government support of independent content producers and continued state
subsidies for state media.
Because all of the country’s private print media is
struggling to stay afloat, there is the further advantage to government that
the former will shrink on its own. 
A combination of a debilitating economic environment together with a highly
competitive but smaller mainstream media market will leave the private media on
the brink of closure. Government will however only step in to give direct assistance
if the private media tows the official line in relation to content that is in
the ‘national interest’. 
In this context, it is the media that must find new negotiating
ground with government that seeks to protect its editorial independence in the face of these emerging and somewhat unexpected political realities.  
options are few.  They include attempting
to come to some sort of agreement on what is ‘national security’ and ‘national
interest’ with a currently stubborn government. However this will be a development that would
negatively affect the democratic independence of the media. The reality is that this is an issue that will obviously loom
large at the announced January 2016 indaba between government and the media.
Alternatively, the media can huddle together and in a demonstration
of rare unity, stand its democratic ground by insisting on its right to exist
without undue and arbitrary interference from the state. This may not take on a
directly confrontational approach but will be based on a principled understanding
of the democratic role of the media in our society.  With it will come a number of professional and
ethical obligations and implementation frameworks for the media as determined
by media stakeholders with input from the state via MIBS. 
And this is the crux
of the matter because it is the operational framework f the media and its related content
that government appears keen on controlling. Where the media fails to do so
independently, the state is very willing to define it anew. Even arbitrarily so, despite the current and looming constitutional court challenges.
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity (takura-zhangazha.blogspot.com)

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