Zimbabwe's Chairing of SADC: In from the Cold and an Attempt at Normalcy.

For the first time since the Southern African Development
Coordination Conference became the Southern African Development Community (SADC) in 1992,
Zimbabwe hosts the latter’s 34th Heads of State and Government summit.  
We have previously chaired the SADC Organ on Politics,Defence and Security, a post which saw us leading the incorporation of the Democratic
Republic of the Congo into the regional bloc in 1997. This also provided the pretext for our costly intervention in the same country ostensibly on the basis of that government’s request. 
South African government, then led by Nelson Mandela and chairing SADC was to
differ with us on that particular regional flexing of our muscle but nonetheless
we triumphed  and got our way. 
In the aftermath of that intervention we have never managed
to influence SADC directly. 
Never mind the fact that we were the hosts of the inaugural
SADCC summit in 1980.  And that in part,
the Frontline states, a regional conglomeration of liberation movement
supporting governments led by former Tanzanian, Zambian and Mozambican
presidents, had been established primarily to help us, South Africa and Namibia
achieve our independence. 
We shifted from being a Southern African powerhouse to one
that was, in the considerations of an expanding 
globalisation discourse, a pariah state. 
Largely because of the manner in which our then (and even now) government
dealt with internal politics through repression and also sought to justify the
same through recourse to previously  long
abandoned liberation struggle value discourse and radical land reform.
Furthermore, the deterioration of our domestic politics and
economy to levels that were unprecedented for an assumed to be stable government
only compounded our regional status for the worst.
It was to be the intervention of Tanzanian and South African
Presidents, Jakaya Kikwete and Thabo Mbeki respectively that was to make  us a direct responsibility of SADC in an age
of global liberal interventionism in April 2007.   Our government
probably does not understand the full import of that SADC intervention on the
stability of Zimbabwe, warts and all, but the truth be told assisted us to get
out of our self made political and economic  morass.
For that all Zimbabweans must be grateful. The tradition
that was begun by the Frontline states of looking after one’s neighbour
assisted us to remain a peaceful country despite the odds stacked against us.
The political violence and the perpetrators of the same may remain unaccounted
for but either way, we are definitely no longer a ‘failed state’ as is given in
Western parlance. 
We are returning to ‘normalcy’ in SADC with the burden of
our mistakes regardless of how populist our government’s policies may appear in
the region.  
However the fact that we are going to chair the regional
bloc does not mean we are going to give it the character of our country because
none of the member states want to learn from us in a positive way. Instead they
have learnt what not to do. At least for now.
Zimbabwe is therefore not primed to make a big impact on
SADC during its tenure as chair. Neither is it remotely expected to do so.  It will be asked to hear out regional
grievances, of which there are currently few, but beyond remote facilitation of
resolution of the same,  we will not be
regarded as having specific moral authority to do so fairly.
We will try to posit our model of indigenisation together
with our radical land reform as exemplary but this will fall on deaf ears.  Our foreign policy traits will not rub off in
the region but we will have the benefit of a regional platform to seek the
removal of Western sanctions on the government and select businesses.
In similar fashion we will be scrutinised for our human
rights records and our adherence to standing SADC protocols and treaties in
relation to the same.  Because we will be
expected to lead by democratic example in the region, our government will not
seek unnecessary attention through wanton acts of repression as it has regularly
done in the past fifteen years.  
Because we are in from the cold, it is likely we will try to
take the lead on major SADC development goals. So we will most likely speed up
our digitization programme, improve our road
networks to meet regional standards (even at great cost), and generally pay populist
service to every major SADC secretariat policy announcement.
But in the final analysis, our tenure as SADC chair will not
be particularly unique.  It will raise
the ‘scrutiny stakes’ as to whether our domestic politics are exemplary for the
region but it will still be largely a return to normalcy.  
We will occasionally need to be defend  a majority of member state  countries on the basis of previous support they gave our  past inclusive government as well as the informal regional grouping of former liberation war movements. 
Sadly however, the regional solidarity that was given to our
local civil society on key issues of human rights will not be replicated from
our side. As already been the case, our domestic civil society organisations
have not had as much enthusiasm for the challenges faced by colleagues in
Swaziland, Angola and the Democratic Republic of the Congo. 
But at least for now, while Zimbabweans may have mixed views
on the significance of the 34th SADC Heads of State and Government  Summit in Victoria Fall this weekend, at least
we are not as bad off in the region as we were two years ago. And for that, we
have the very same SADC to thank.

*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity

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Takura Zhangazha