By Takura Zhangazha*
There is one good thing that is now emerging from the
current political crisis in Zimbabwe.
This is that the lead role in seeking to resolve the impasse has now
been taken over by the politicians. At
least by way of pronouncements, rallies and internal ruling Zanu Pf party
current political crisis in Zimbabwe.
This is that the lead role in seeking to resolve the impasse has now
been taken over by the politicians. At
least by way of pronouncements, rallies and internal ruling Zanu Pf party
The broad popular support for the army in the last week, as
seen via Saturday 18 November 2017 marches in Harare and Bulawayo turned what
was initially a feared presence of the army on the streets to a popular
one. At least for now.
seen via Saturday 18 November 2017 marches in Harare and Bulawayo turned what
was initially a feared presence of the army on the streets to a popular
one. At least for now.
Subsequent appearances of President Mugabe at a graduation ceremony
and on national television (where he disappointed many by not resigning in
public) has further entrenched the political option out of this current
national crisis.
and on national television (where he disappointed many by not resigning in
public) has further entrenched the political option out of this current
national crisis.
This is an important consideration primarily because the
problem of succession has largely been one that resides in the ruling Zanu Pf
party. That it got out of hand is
entirely their fault and they have a national and historical obligation to return
the country to full civilian rule.
problem of succession has largely been one that resides in the ruling Zanu Pf
party. That it got out of hand is
entirely their fault and they have a national and historical obligation to return
the country to full civilian rule.
The latter process they have already begun with their
appointment of Emmerson Mnangagwa as the interim President and First Secretary
of Zanu Pf to replace Mugabe. Interestingly
they have also announced their new interim leader will also be their candidate
for the 2018 harmonised elections (if accepted by their Congress. )
appointment of Emmerson Mnangagwa as the interim President and First Secretary
of Zanu Pf to replace Mugabe. Interestingly
they have also announced their new interim leader will also be their candidate
for the 2018 harmonised elections (if accepted by their Congress. )
So a return to ‘normalcy’ essentially points to a
retention of political power by Zanu Pf under the leadership of Mnangagwa.
retention of political power by Zanu Pf under the leadership of Mnangagwa.
And to do this, they will not need the opposition to partner
them whether be it through a national transitional authority or any other similar
arrangement. They will make overtures to
it, but not integrate it into influential positions either in government or in
electoral processes. They will listen to the oppositions suggestions but not always
be inclined to pursue them.
them whether be it through a national transitional authority or any other similar
arrangement. They will make overtures to
it, but not integrate it into influential positions either in government or in
electoral processes. They will listen to the oppositions suggestions but not always
be inclined to pursue them.
So the step by step process , and as agreed by their Central Committee, would be to
get Mnangagwa to finish off Mugabe’s term, hold their scheduled congress as
planned in early December, and begin in earnest to campaign for elections in
get Mnangagwa to finish off Mugabe’s term, hold their scheduled congress as
planned in early December, and begin in earnest to campaign for elections in
There are very limited options for the opposition here. They may simply have to buckle up and get
back to campaigning with a renewed vigour and vigilance that speaks more to
people centered politics. At the moment,
their public popularity cannot exceed that of the ruling establishment and
those who if they finally succeed, are at the front of seeking the departure of
back to campaigning with a renewed vigour and vigilance that speaks more to
people centered politics. At the moment,
their public popularity cannot exceed that of the ruling establishment and
those who if they finally succeed, are at the front of seeking the departure of
Opposition leaders therefore need to stop being ambivalent and pursue
electoral politics with greater diligence and vigour or else they will be
defeated in 2018. And resoundingly so. They need to re-coagulate their support
bases, conclude their alliance talks and avoid easy co-optation into ruling
party processes that they do not have equal say on.
electoral politics with greater diligence and vigour or else they will be
defeated in 2018. And resoundingly so. They need to re-coagulate their support
bases, conclude their alliance talks and avoid easy co-optation into ruling
party processes that they do not have equal say on.
Where mainstream Zimbabwean civil society is concerned, they
are best placed remaining true to democratic value and principles. Even where it seems at odds with a popular support for the army’s ‘intervention’.
are best placed remaining true to democratic value and principles. Even where it seems at odds with a popular support for the army’s ‘intervention’.
Furthermore, civil society needs to be aware of the economic
blueprint of the Mnangagwa government.
It is likely to be one which puts business and private capital a the
core of its economic policies. This is
moreso as confirmed by ZNLWVA chairman Chris Mutsvangwa in a press conference
he held last week. And as indicated when
Mnangagwa was still vice president under Mugabe when he spearheaded the ‘ease
of doing business’ policy cluster.
blueprint of the Mnangagwa government.
It is likely to be one which puts business and private capital a the
core of its economic policies. This is
moreso as confirmed by ZNLWVA chairman Chris Mutsvangwa in a press conference
he held last week. And as indicated when
Mnangagwa was still vice president under Mugabe when he spearheaded the ‘ease
of doing business’ policy cluster.
CSOs and social movements should push back against this
planned neo-liberal economic model and place on the table people centered
social democratic economic policies. These policies should clearly outline the progressive
welfarist role that the state should play in the provision of education, water, infrastructure
development and affordable, accessible health care for all among other
planned neo-liberal economic model and place on the table people centered
social democratic economic policies. These policies should clearly outline the progressive
welfarist role that the state should play in the provision of education, water, infrastructure
development and affordable, accessible health care for all among other
Indeed while it is early days, the likelihood of a
determined and ‘new’ Zanu Pf leadership’s concerted efforts to prove their critics
wrong but without necessarily sharing their newly acquired power, are high.
determined and ‘new’ Zanu Pf leadership’s concerted efforts to prove their critics
wrong but without necessarily sharing their newly acquired power, are high.
There may be opportunities to glean from this state of
affairs but essentially these will be subject to the benevolence of Zanu
Pf. SADC’s role is still critical but we
may have passed a phase where it will directly intervene and seek means to
reverse internal political processes as they are now occurring.
affairs but essentially these will be subject to the benevolence of Zanu
Pf. SADC’s role is still critical but we
may have passed a phase where it will directly intervene and seek means to
reverse internal political processes as they are now occurring.
*Takura Zhangazha writes here in his personal capacity
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